Time triggers for actions

When criteria for a rule is met and a time-based action is created, a time trigger is also created for the time-based action.

Figure 1 shows the process that occurs when a user creates or modifies a record that has an associated rule and time-based action.

Figure 1. Workflow for rule that contains a time-based action

If a user updates the date or time field for an object associated with the rule, the system recalculates time triggers for the object:

  • If a time trigger is no longer valid, NexJ CRM removes the action.
  • If the date or date range for the time trigger now occurs in the past, NexJ CRM executes the action.
  • If the date or time field value for the object now occurs in the past, NexJ CRM executes the action.

Time triggers for a time-based action are deleted in the following cases:

  • The object with which the time triggers are associated is deleted.
  • A time-based action is changed to an immediate action.
  • A rule with which the time triggers are associated is deleted or made inactive.