Administration Guide for Synchronization with Microsoft Exchange ServerNexJ Synchronization for Microsoft Exchange ServerThis section provides an overview of NexJ Synchronization for Microsoft Exchange Server, and describes and provides examples of inbound and outbound synchronization.Configuring NexJ CRM synchronizationYou can configure NexJ CRM to synchronize with Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, or Exchange Online.Synchronizing NexJ CRM and Exchange ServerThis section outlines the various ways in which data is synchronized between NexJ CRM and Exchange Server.Special considerationsThis section discusses special cases where synchronization behaves differently to avoid performance problems or to accommodate protocol limitations by Microsoft.Recovery scenariosIn certain situations, NexJ CRM and Exchange Server could get out of sync and you may need to perform some actions to recover synchronization.Channel settings for a typical NexJ CRM deployment with Exchange ServerA typical deployment of NexJ CRM requires that you add certain channels to the environment file.Notices