Configuring activity plans

An activity plan is a predefined sequence of activities that can be created for a user or contact, rather than creating the activities individually.

Note: An activity is a record of communication with a client. This includes schedule items, activity plans, tasks, documents, emails, and call records. Activities are also known as interactions. A client is a contact, company (including an institution or a fund), or household.

Before you can create activity plans, you need to create activity plan templates. Activity plan templates define the standard series of steps used when you create and assign activity plans to a contact. After you have created an activity plan template, create and assign activity plans in the contact's Journal tab in the Contacts workspace.

For example, to assign a financial review activity plan to a contact, you must already have a financial review activity plan template with defined steps. When you create and assign the financial review activity plan, the defined steps from the template are applied to the assigned contact. While you are creating the activity plan, you can also edit certain template default settings (for example, dates and times).

You can create activity plan templates using the Activity Plans tab in the Customize workspace.