Activity plan template default security settings

Activity plan templates have four security setting controls that dictate how the associated instances are viewed, altered, and created in NexJ CRM.
Default View Security
This field sets the ability of users to view created instances of this template in NexJ CRM to either Public or Group. If Group security is chosen, a dialog opens, allowing you to choose the group you want to grant this ability to.
Default Edit Security
This field sets the ability of users to edit created instances of this template in NexJ CRM to either Public or Group. If Group security is chosen, a dialog opens, allowing you to choose the group you want to grant this ability to.
Enable editing the security settings for instances of this template
This check box sets the ability of users to edit the security settings for instances of this template in NexJ CRM. If set to true (the default value) then future created instances will be editable.
Create Security
This field specifies who has the ability to create instances of this template in NexJ CRM. You can keep the ability private to yourself, make it available to members of a specific group, or make it publicly available.