Adding holdings

You can manually add holdings that are not provided by your data feeds.

To add a holding, you must specify the owner, security ticker, number of shares, and value for the holding. Specifying the contact for a company, institution, or fund as the owner adds the holding to the Holdings tab in the contact's portfolio.

Note: An owner is a user who is specifically assigned to all the activities for a specific participant in a campaign.
Note: You can also add a holding in the Holdings tab in a company, institution, or fund's portfolio.

To manually add a holding:

  1. Navigate to the Holdings workspace.
  2. Click Add.
    The Add Holding dialog opens.
  3. To indicate that the holding is a new position, select New Position.
  4. In the Details tab, provide information about the security. You must provide a holding owner, security ticker, the quantity and value of the holding, and the issuing country.
  5. In the Security tab, specify view and edit security settings for the holding. Specify whether all users, a group of users, or only you can view or edit the holding. Click OK.
The security is added to the holdings list and in the Holdings tab in the company, institution, or fund's portfolio for the holding owner. In the list, the Manually Created Holding icon indicates that the holding was manually created.