Updating recurring schedule items in NexJ CRM
Before saving changes to recurring schedule items in
NexJ CRM, an
option appears to edit This Occurrence or to edit
This and All Following occurrences.
Updating This Occurrence in NexJ CRM updates the corresponding occurrence in Exchange. Its data may be different from the other occurrences in the series but it is still part of the series.
Updating This and All Following occurrences
splits the series into two separate series:
- The current and all following occurrences will become part of a new series with the updated properties.
- The previous occurrences will remain as part of the original, now truncated, series.
To update the entire series, update the first occurrence and select This and All Following when saving. Updating the series using the This and All Following option does not affect previously updated fields on customized occurrences. The series is not split if you update This and All Following from the first occurrence.