Designated masters

If the owner of a schedule item is not configured for synchronization between NexJ CRM and Exchange, or if the item owner in Exchange is not a NexJ CRM user, NexJ CRM will designate, during inbound synchronization, one of the synchronized participants as a master for synchronization purposes.In this scenario, NexJ CRM will only accept inbound changes from the designated master and will reject all inbound changes from other participants.
The mechanism for designating and maintaining the master when the owner is not a synchronized NexJ CRM user is as follows:
  1. NexJ CRM detects an inbound change from one of the synchronized participants.
  2. NexJ CRM determines that the schedule item owner is not a synchronized NexJ CRM user; the owner is either a NexJ CRM user not configured for synchronization with Exchange or is not a NexJ CRM user.
  3. NexJ CRM detects whether a designated master has been previously assigned:
    • If the designated master has been previously assigned to this item and is a synchronized NexJ CRM user:
      • NexJ CRM accepts the change if it is coming through the designated master.
      • NexJ CRM rejects the change if it is coming through other participants.
    • If the designated master has not been previously assigned or is not synchronized, NexJ CRM sets the NexJ CRM user through which the change is incoming as the designated master and accepts the incoming change.

The designated master of a schedule item newly created in Exchange, where the owner is not a synchronized user, will be the first synchronized participant who accepts the meeting invite in Exchange.

The designated master mechanism has no impact on outbound synchronization.