Using the Ping All Nodes command

Use the Ping All Nodes command to ensure that all nodes in a cluster will log additional information about themselves. This option broadcasts a request for all nodes in the cluster to print an informational message to the log. Healthy nodes will write some basic statistics to the log such as their ID, name, and CPU and memory utilization. In the log, one line will indicate when the broadcast request was sent and one line should appear per node as they respond.

Sample logged request and response

In this example, the Ping All Nodes action is used against a two-node cluster.

[6/23/14 11:45:46:115 EDT] 00000054 diagnostics I [http:
admin@EXAMPLE.LOCAL] Broadcasting ping request

Response from Node 1:

[6/23/14 11:45:46:123 EDT] 00000061 diagnostics I [ObjectSystemQueue
admin@EXAMPLE.LOCAL] ---Ping--- #<Node(id=L94QqqgfQG2ytB00vcU/6w==,
httpNode=18d2fgkj4, cpu=5%, memory=25%)>

Response from Node2:

[6/23/14 11:45:46:131 EDT] 0000002c diagnostics I [ObjectSystemQueue
admin@EXAMPLE.LOCAL] ---Ping--- #<Node(id=MsI7R0RtR3eCdpNs1dGgBg==,
httpNode=18d2fgr7d, cpu=2%, memory=23%)>