Setting the recurring meeting generating horizon

You can configure how far ahead recurring schedule items will be created and how often they will be recreated.

Note: The recurring meeting generating horizon is the threshold for creating recurring meetings in the database.
To set the Recurring Meeting Generating Horizon:
  1. In the Recurring Meeting Generating Horizon area of the System page, click the Edit button .
    The Edit Recurring Meeting Generating Horizon dialog opens.
  2. In the Name field, specify a name for the recurrence batch job.
  3. In the Start Time drop-down fields, specify a date and time for the recurrence batch job to begin.
  4. In the Time Period (mins) field, specify how often you want the batch job to run and recreate your recurring instances. For example, the default value, 1440, causes the batch job to run once a day.
  5. In the Generation Horizon (days) field, specify a limit of how many days into the future occurrences should be generated. All schedule items that fall before the horizon will be created, and all those that are after the horizon will not.
  6. Click OK.
    The Edit Recurring Meeting Generating Horizon dialog closes.
  7. To run the batch job manually, click the Run batch job now button .
The application will automatically generate the recurrence instances to the end of the Generation Horizon, and continue to regenerate according to the set Time Period.
Note: You can run the batch job manually by clicking the green button at the top of this area.