Defining work schedules

Define the business days, business hours, and holidays for your support agents in the Work Schedules page in NexJ Admin Console.
Work schedules set the time when your support agents are available to respond to service requests. You can include work schedules in your service level agreement rules so the service level agreement metrics are calculated using the business days, business hours, and holidays specified in the work schedule. For example, if you have a service level agreement rule that determines a first response by the service agent of 3 business hours and your work schedule specifies that your support agents are not available on weekends, for any service requests created on a weekend, the First Response By date and time will be 3 business hours into the next available business day.
Note: Holidays are specified in DD/MM/YYYY format and are, therefore, specific to a year. At the beginning of each year, ensure that all the holidays for that year are entered.

If you do not specify a work schedule and do not include a work schedule in your service level agreement rules, the system assumes that the support agents are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and on holidays.

To create a work schedule:

  1. Navigate to the Work Schedules page.
  2. Above the work schedules list, click the Add button .
    The Add Work Schedule dialog opens.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the business hours definition.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the business hours definition.
  5. Click OK.
    The Add Work Schedule dialog closes and a new work schedule displays in the work schedules list.
  6. In the work schedules list, select the new work schedule, and in the Details zone, click the Edit button .
    The Edit Work Schedule dialog opens.
  7. In the Time Zone drop-down, select the time zone of your support agents.
    Note: The default time zone is the organizational time zone specified during your NexJ application deployment, which you can view on the Global Application Settings page.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • If your support agents do not have specific business days and hours, select Work 24 hours. 7 days a week and ignore holidays.
    • If your support agents have specific business days and hours, select or clear the checkbox for each day of the week, and specify the start time and end time for each selected day.
    Note: The default business hours for a work schedule are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m to 6 p.m.
  9. Under Holidays, click the Add button to specify the names and dates of all holidays in the year.
  10. Click OK to save your changes.
You have created a new work schedule.
You can now configure your service level agreement rules to use this work schedule.