Configuring Service Level Management settings

Service Level Management (SLM) functionality enables NexJ CRM users to manage interactions with clients based on defined service levels.

When you set up Service Level Management (SLM) settings in NexJ Admin Console, you configure settings in the following order:

  1. Create touch types.
  2. Define the intervals which are available to all touch types. Intervals define time periods between touches. Intervals can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
  3. Specify activity templates, reporting periods, and intervals for specific touch types.
  4. Create service levels and assign touch types to each service level.
  5. Map contact tiers to service levels. A tier is a property assigned to contacts to determine what kind of service plan they will receive.

After you have set up SLM, users can use SLM in NexJ CRM to:

  • Apply different service models to different clients. A service model is collection of touch types and intervals assigned to a contact.
  • Schedule and track key activities, for example, quarterly and annual account reviews.
  • Use analytics to view the status of key client touches and overdue activities.
Note: If you need to adjust your system or server time to test SLM use cases, it is strongly recommended that you do not change settings to a time that has already occurred. Changing to a time that has already occurred may cause issues with the database and SLM batch jobs.