Enabling integration logging for the system

You enable integration logging for the system on the Statistics page in NexJ System Admin Console and specify the amount of time that logs are stored before being deleted.
To enable integration logging for the system:
  1. In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the Statistics page.
  2. In the Statistics list, expand the node for your NexJ application, then select Administration.
    Configuration options for statistics display in the details area.
  3. To enable or disable logging:
    1. Beside Integration logging enabled in the details area, double-click in the Value column.
      A text entry field displays.
    2. Enter Y to enable logging or enter N to disable logging.
      Integration logging is enabled or disabled for the system.
  4. To specify the amount of time that log information is stored before being deleted:
    1. Beside Persistent integration log cleanup timeout (min) in the details area, double-click in the Value column.
      A text entry field displays.
    2. Enter a timeout value in minutes. The default value is 10,080 (7 days).
      The integration logging cleanup timeout value is updated.
You have enabled integration logging for the system.
Next, enable integration logging for individual channels.