Modify a privilege group when you want to make changes
to its name, description, or security settings.
To modify the properties of an existing privilege
Navigate to the User page.
In the Privilege Groups tab, select the
privilege group whose properties you want to modify.
The group's details open in the
Detail subtab.
In the Detail subtab, click the
Edit button
The Edit User Group dialog
Edit the privilege group's name or description.
Note: The privilege group name displays in NexJ CRM.
To change the privilege group's view or edit security, make your
desired selections in the corresponding fields.
Click OK.
The Edit User Group dialog
To modify the group's privileges, click the
Select button
in the Privileges zone.
The Select Privileges dialog
You can search for privileges by using the search field above the
list of available privileges. Add or remove privileges by selecting
from the list of available privileges on the left side of the dialog
and clicking Add or
Remove. Privileges that are currently assigned
to the privilege group populate the list on the right side of the
Click OK.
The Select Privileges dialog
The privilege group's properties are modified.