NexJ CRM privileges
Privilege Name | Function |
AccountManage | Allows the user to manage accounts in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
ACLView | Allows the user to only see contacts in an access control list when the access control list feature has been enabled. |
ActAttachmentManage | Allows the user to manage activity attachments. |
ActAttachmentView | Allows the user to view activity attachments. |
ActHistoryView | Allows the user to view activity history. |
ActView | Allows the user to view activities and related classes. |
AddressManage | Allows the user to manage addresses. |
AddressView | Allows the user to view addresses. |
AdHocAdministrator | Administers the AdHoc Reporting server. |
AdHocActivityManager | Assigns the manager role within the Activity domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocActivityUser | Assigns the user role within the Activity domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocBusinessProcessManager | Assigns the manager role within the BusinessProcess domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocBusinessProcessUser | Assigns the user role within the BusinessProcess domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCampaignParticipantManager | Assigns the manager role within the CampaignParticipant domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCampaignParticipantUser | Assigns the user role within the CampaignParticipant domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCampaignManager | Assigns the manager role within the Campaign domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCampaignUser | Assigns the user role within the Campaign domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCategoryManager | Assigns the manager role within the Category domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCategoryUser | Assigns the user role within the Category domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCompanyManager | Assigns the manager role within the Company domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCompanyUser | Assigns the user role within the Company domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocContactManager | Assigns the manager role within the Contact domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocContactUser | Assigns the user role within the Contact domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCoverageTeamManager | Assigns the manager role within the CoverageTeam domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocCoverageTeamUser | Assigns the user role within the CoverageTeam domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocHouseholdManager | Assigns the manager role within the Household domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocHouseholdUser | Assigns the user role within the Household domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocInboundCallManager | Assigns the manager role within the InboundCall domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocInboundCallUser | Assigns the user role within the InboundCall domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocManager | Allows access to the Manage tab. Must be used in conjunction with the AdHocDomain Manager privileges. |
AdHocOpportunityManager | Assigns the manager role within the Opportunities domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocOpportunityUser | Assigns the user role within the Opportunities domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocRoadshowManager | Assigns the manager role within the Roadshow domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocRoadshowUser | Assigns the user role within the Roadshow domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocServiceModelManager | Assigns the manager role within the ServiceModel domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocServiceModelUser | Assigns the user role within the ServiceModel domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocSLMManager | Assigns the manager role within the SLM domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocSLMUser | Assigns the user role within the SLM domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocStaticReportsManager | Assigns the manager role for static reports. |
AdHocStaticReportsUser | Assigns the user role for static reports. |
AdHocUserFieldManager | Assigns the manager role within the UserField domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocUserFieldUser | Assigns the user role within the UserField domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocUserManager | Assigns the manager role within the User domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdHocUserUser | Assigns the user role within the User domain of the AdHoc reporting server. |
AdminActivityPlanTemplateManage | Allows the user to view activity plan templates. |
AdminAddressLookup | Allows the user to import new AddressLookup data in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminApplicationAccess | Allows the user to access NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminBIBulkSync | Allows the user to initiate a BI bulk sync in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminBIManage | Allows the user to modify BI metaclasses loaded on reseed in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminBITargetManage | Allows the user to create and delete BI targets in NexJ Admin Console.
This privilege should not be given to any users because BI target is a singleton. |
AdminBPDocBundleUpdate | Allows the user to update existing BPDocBundles and
documents in NexJ Admin Console. This privilege should only be given to the system administrator. |
AdminBPDocTemplateManage | Allows the user to manage BPDocTemplates in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminBatchProcessManage | Allows the user to form batch process configurations in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminBusinessProcessManage | Allows the user to manage business process templates in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminBusinessProcessUpdate | Allows the user to delete or update existing business process templates in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminCategoryManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of categories in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminCoverageTeamManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of coverage groups in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminCustomFieldTypeManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of custom field types in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditActBadgeConfig | Allows the user to manage activity dashboard badges in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditActTemplateStatus | Allows the user to manage activity template status in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditActionTemplates | Allows the user to manage activity templates in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditActivityPlanTemplate | Allows the user to manage activity plan templates. When assigning this privilege, also look at how the PublicActivityPlanTemplateManage and PrivateActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned. |
AdminEditAddrTypes | Allows the user to manage address types in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditCategories | Allows the user to manage category types for a contact, user, company, or household profile in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditCommsTypes | Allows the user to manage communication types in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditCustomFieldTypes | Allows the user to manage custom field types in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditDocTemplates | Allows the user to manage document templates in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditDocTypes | Allows the user to manage document types in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditEntityBadgeConfig | Allows the user to manage entity dashboard badge configurations in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditEntityType | Allows the user to manage entity types in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditPredefinedFilters | Allows the user to manage predefined filters for saved lists in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEditServiceRequestTemplate | Allows the user to create and edit service request templates in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEntityListManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of saved lists in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminEntityQueryManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of entity queries in NexJ Admin Console. (Deprecated.) |
AdminEnumDisplayManage | Allows the user to edit EnumDisplay in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminFolderManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of folders in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminImportContacts | Allows the user to import contacts from a CSV file in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminImportProcessManage | Allows the user to manage import process templates in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminImportProcessUpdate | Allows the user to update any import process at any stage in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminImportProcessView | Allows the user to view any import process at any stage in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminMailMergeConfigurationManage | Allows the user to add, edit, and delete mail merge configurations. |
AdminMailMergeConfigurationView | Allows the user to view the contents of mail merge configurations. |
AdminPeriodManage | Allows the user to create and update periods in NexJ Admin Console when service level management is enabled. |
AdminQuickReportManage | Allows the user to manage the security of ad hoc report definitions in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminReportDefinitionFolderManage | Allows the user to manage the security of report folder definitions in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminReportLayoutManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of report layouts in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminResetUserPassword | Allows the user to change the passwords of any other user in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminSavedFilterRuleManage | Allows the user to administer saved filter rules. |
AdminServiceLevelManage | Allows the user to manage service level features in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminSyncEntityListEdit | Allows the user to update user sync lists in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminUserGroupManage | Allows the user to manage user groups in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminUserListManage | Allows the user to manage all security levels of user lists in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminWorkQueueTaskHistoryManage | Allows the user to edit entries of work queue task history in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminWorkQueueTaskManage | Allows the user to edit work queue tasks in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminWorkQueueTaskReadOwned | Allows the user to read work queue tasks in NexJ Admin Console that are owned by other users. |
AdminWorkQueueTaskSetOwner | Allows the user to edit the owner field of a work queue task in NexJ Admin Console. |
AdminWorkQueueTaskSwitchQueues | Allows the user to move a task from one work queue to another in NexJ Admin Console. |
ApplicationCreate | Allows the user to create applications. |
ApplicationDelete | Allows the user to delete an existing application. |
ApplicationSwitch | Allows the user to switch existing applications. |
ApplicationUpdate | Allows the user to update an existing application. |
AssignmentModelAdmin | Allows the user to manage assignment models in NexJ Admin Console. |
AuditLogConfigurationManage | Allows the user to manage audit trail configuration in NexJ Admin Console. |
AuditLogConfigurationView | Allows the user to view audit trail configuration in NexJ Admin Console. |
AuditLogCreate | Allows the user to create audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console. |
AuditLogDelete | Allows the user to delete audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console. |
AuditLogUpdate | Allows the user to update audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console. |
AuditLogView | Allows the user to view audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console. |
AvailableScheduleItemManage | Allows the user to create, edit, and delete available schedule items. |
AvailableScheduleItemView | Allows the user to view available schedule slots. |
BatchBrokerProcessManage | Allows the user to manage batch broker processes as well as hide and expose events from the batch broker process in NexJ Admin Console. |
BatchBrokerProcessView | Allows the user to view batch broker processes in NexJ Admin Console. |
BatchCoverageGroupManage | Allows the user to perform coverage group add and remove batch operations. |
BatchCoverageManage | Allows the user to perform coverage add and remove batch operations. |
BatchJobManage | Allows the user to manage actions for batch jobs. |
BatchJobRun | Allows the user to execute actions for batch jobs. |
BatchProcessManage | Allows the user to perform batch operations. |
BICubeReportManage | Allows the user to manage cube report metadata. |
BICubeReportView | Allows the user to view cube report metadata. |
BirthdayMailerView | Allows the user to print birthday mailers and enables the Contacts with Upcoming Birthdays filter for the user. |
BIView | Allows the user to view BI metaclasses loaded by reseed. |
BIWrite | Allows the user to write BI instances in NexJ Admin Console.
This privilege should only be given to users of the BI sync channel. |
BPDocBundleManage | Allows the user to manage business process document bundles. |
BPDocBundleView | Allows the user to view business process document bundles. |
BranchView | Allows the user to only see contacts in a branch or list of branches. |
BriefingBookReportManage | Allows the user to generate the Briefing Book Report. |
BulletinManage | Allows the user to create and edit login bulletins. |
BulletinView | Allows the user to view login bulletins. |
Business Process Approver | A group of privileges that allows the user to approve or reject approval requests for business processes. |
BusinessProcessManage | Allows the user to manage a business process. |
BusinessProcessView | Allows the user to view a business process. |
call:AdminCallView | Allows the user to configure call scripts, using the Customize workspace in NexJ CRM. |
call:CallReasonManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete call reasons for call scripts. |
call:CallReasonView | Allows the user to view call reasons for call scripts. |
call:CallScriptManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete call scripts. |
call:CallScriptTemplateCreate | Allows the user to create call script templates. |
call:CallScriptTemplateDelete | Allows the user to delete call script templates. |
call:CallScriptTemplateUpdate | Allows the user to update call script templates. |
call:CallScriptTemplateView | Allows the user to view call script templates. |
call:CallScriptView | Allows the user to view call scripts. |
call:ExportImportSchemeAdmin | Allows the user to export and import call script templates in Scheme. |
call:gCallAdmin | A group of privileges that assigns inbound call privileges to an administrator. |
call:gCallUser | A group of privileges that assigns inbound call privileges to a user. |
call:InboundCallBeaconView | Allows the user to view the inbound call icon on the Inbound Call workspace. |
call:InboundCallManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete inbound calls on the Inbound Call workspace. |
call:InboundCallView | Allows the user to view inbound calls on the Inbound Call workspace. |
call:UserCallStateManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete call state records for inbound calls. |
call:UserCallStateView | Allows the user to read call state records for inbound calls. |
ClientActivityMonitor | Allows logging of client performance metrics for the user. |
ClientCoverage | Allows the user to manage client coverage. |
ClientOptionBlockManage | Allows the user to manage the option block from the client side. |
ClientPerformanceStatus | Allows performance banners for the user. This privilege overrides the clientPerfStatusEnabled setting in the environment file. |
cm:AccountManage | Allows the user to view and manage accounts in Account Mapping on the Customize workspace. |
cm:AccountView | Allows the user to view accounts in Account Mapping on the Customize workspace. |
cm:CallListManage | Allows the user to view and manage call lists on the Call Lists workspace when Capital Markets functionality is enabled and on the Contacts workspace. |
cm:CallListView | Allows the user to view and use call lists on the Call Lists workspace when Capital Markets functionality is enabled and on the Contacts workspace. |
cm:FundActiveManage | Allows the user to activate or deactivate funds. |
cm:FundManage | Allows the user to manage funds. |
cm:FundView | Allows the user to view funds. |
cm:gCapitalMarketsAdmin | A group of privileges that provides full administrative access to Capital Markets functionality. |
cm:gCapitalMarketsUser | A group of privileges that provides view access to capital markets functionality. |
cm:HomeScreenView | Allows the user to view the Capital Markets tab and subtabs on the Home workspace. |
cm:ResearchSubjectManage | Allows the user to view and manage research subscriptions on the Contacts and Customize workspaces. |
cm:ResearchSubjectView | Allows the user to view research subscriptions on the Contacts workspace. |
cm:RevenueSummaryManage | Allows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Revenue Summary tab in a contact's portfolio. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa. |
cm:RevenueSummaryView | Allows the user to view revenue summary data in the Revenue Summary tab in a contact's portfolio. |
cm:SecurityHoldingManage | Allows the user to view and manage manual security holdings. |
cm:SecurityHoldingView | Allows the user to view securities holdings. |
cm:SecurityManage | Allows the user to view and manage securities on the Securities workspace. |
cm:SecurityView | Allows the user to view the Securities workspace. |
cm:StockInterestManage | Allows the user to view and manage stock interests for a contact on the Contacts workspace. |
cm:StockInterestView | Allows the user to view stock interests for a contact on the Contacts workspace. |
cm:SubscriptionManage | Allows the user to view and manage subscriptions in the Subscriptions tab in a contact's portfolio. |
cm:SubscriptionView | Allows the user to view subscriptions in the Subscriptions tab in a contact's portfolio. |
cm:TaxonomyManage | Allows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Taxonomy Management tab on the Securities workspace. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa. |
cm:TaxonomyView | Allows the user to view the company, industry, and sector hierarchy and assign coverage in the Taxonomy Management tab on the Securities workspace. |
cm:TransactionManage | Allows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Transactions workspace. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa. |
cm:TransactionView | Allows the user to view transactions on the Transactions workspace. |
CompanyActiveManage | Allows the user to deactivate or activate companies. |
CompanyCreate | Allows the user to create a new company. |
CompanyDelete | Allows the user to delete an existing company. |
CompanyUpdate | Allows the user to change the properties of an existing company. |
CompanyView | Allows the user to view an existing company. |
ContactCreate | Allows the user to create a new contact. |
ContactDelete | Allows the user to delete an existing contact. |
ContactUpdate | Allows the user to change the properties of an existing contact. |
ConversationDelete | Allows the user to delete an existing conversation. |
ConversationManage | Allows the user to view, create, and edit conversations. |
ConversationNonPrivateManage | Allows the user to manage non-private conversations. |
ConversationNonPrivateView | Allows the user to view non-private conversations. |
ConversationUserDelete | Allows the user to delete conversation users. |
CoverageRoleAdmin | Allows the user to manage coverage roles. |
CoverageTeamAdmin | Allows the user to add, modify, and delete coverage teams in NexJ Admin Console. |
CurrencyManage | Allows the user to manage currencies and exchange rates in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
DataMatchServiceManage | Allows the user to configure the data match service. This privilege is used for features such as data import. |
DataMatchServiceRun | Allows the user to submit data sets to the data match service for matching. This privilege is used for features such as data import. |
DataMatchServiceView | Allows the user to view data match service configurations. This privilege is used for features such as data import. |
Debug | Allows the user to set breakpoints in Scheme code in sessions owned by the current user. |
DebugAnyone | Allows the user to set breakpoints in Scheme code that are triggered by other users. |
DebugEval | Allows the user to evaluate any expression while debugging. |
DistributedTaskManage | Allows the user to manage DistributeTask and DistributedTaskUnits in NexJ Admin Console. |
DocumentView | Allows the user to view a document. |
EnableIntegratedLeadManagement | Enables Integrated Lead Management for the user. |
EnableLocalization | Enables templates (including business process templates) to be localized. |
EntityActiveManage | Allows the user to deactivate or activate entities. |
EntityApprovalApprove | Allows the user to approve an approval request for a business process for a change to a company or contact. |
EntityApprovalRequest | Allows the user to submit an approval request for a business process for a change to a company or contact. |
EntityCategoryManage | Allows the user to add, edit, and delete entity categories. |
EntityCategoryView | Allows the user to view entity categories. |
EntityListCoverageViewManage | Allows the user to limit the view security of a saved list by coverage group. |
EntityListManage | Allows the user to manage saved lists. |
EntityListMemberManage | Allows the user to add or remove the members of saved lists. |
EntityListPublicViewManage | Allows the user to set the view security of a saved list to Public. |
EntityListView | Allows the user to view any saved lists. |
EntityQueryManage | Allows the user to create and modify queries used for entity search. (Deprecated.) |
EntityView | Allows the user to view entities and related classes. |
EnumDisplayBaseRead | Allows the user to read enumeration base displays. |
EnumDisplayManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete enumeration displays. |
EnumManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete enumerations in NexJ Admin Console. |
EnumRead | Allows the user to view enumerations in NexJ Admin Console. |
EventManage | Allows the user to create and update events. |
EventView | Allows the user to view events. |
ExternalManage | Allows the user to manage external aspects of the application. This privilege should be automatically assigned to all external users. |
FavouriteUserListManage | Allows the user to manage favorite lists of users. |
FeeBasedGroupManage | Allows the user to manage fee-based groups in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
FilterRuleManage | Allows the user to create, edit, and delete filter rules. |
FilterRuleMetadataManage | Allows the user to manage field and subject area associations in NexJ Admin Console. |
FilterRuleMetadataView | Allows the user to view field and subject area associations in NexJ Admin Console. |
FilterRuleView | Allows the user to view filter rules. |
FinanceView | Allows the user to view financial data such as portfolios, accounts, holdings, and transactions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
FinancialDateManage | Allows the user to manage financial dates in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
FinancialPeriodManage | Allows the user to manage financial periods in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
FirmView | Allows the user to see all records across all branches. |
flow:ExportImportSchemeAdmin | Allows the user to export and import business process and flow templates in Scheme. |
flow:FlowManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete flows and related objects. |
flow:FlowManageAdmin | Allows the user to update flows. |
flow:FlowTemplateManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete flow templates and related objects. |
flow:FlowTemplateView | Allows the user to view flow templates and related objects. |
flow:FlowView | Allows the user to view flows and related objects. |
flow:gFlowGeneralAdmin | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage flows and flow templates. |
flow:gFlowGeneralManage | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage flows. |
flow:gFlowTemplateGeneralManage | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage flow templates. |
flow:QuestionnaireManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete questionnaires and related objects. |
flow:QuestionnaireTemplateManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete questionnaire templates and related objects. |
flow:QuestionnaireTemplateView | Allows the user to view questionnaire templates and related objects. |
flow:QuestionnaireView | Allows the user to view questionnaires and related objects. |
FolderManage | Allows the user to view and edit the folders in the Document Manager workspace. |
FormulaManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete formulas in NexJ Studio. |
FormulaView | Allows the user to read formulas in NexJ Studio. |
gAdminFunction | A group of privileges that provides all administrator privileges. This group of privileges should only be assigned to administrative users. |
gAuthenticatedPrincipal | A group of privileges that should be given to all authenticated principals. |
gBusinessProcessAdmin | A group of privileges that allows the user to create, modify, activate, deactivate, and delete business processes. |
gCompanyManagement | A group of privileges that allows the user to view, create, update, and delete companies. |
gConfigTypeManagement | A group of privileges that provides the privileges required to create, update, and delete configuration types. |
gContactManagement | A group of privileges that provides the privileges required for standard contact management. |
gCoreAdmin | A group of privileges that provides high-level administrative privileges. This group of privileges should only be assigned to the default seeded nexjsa user. |
gDataMatchServiceAdmin | A group of privileges that provides the privileges for data match service administrators. |
gDataMatchServiceUser | A group of privileges that provides the privileges for data match service users. |
gEnableIntegratedLeadManagement | A group of privileges that provides the privileges for enabling Integrated Lead Management. |
gEnterpriseRoleAdmin | A group of privileges that provides full administrative access to enterprise roles and enterprise role to user mapping. |
gEnterpriseRoleView | A group of privileges that provides the ability to view enterprise role-related data. |
gEntityListManagement | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage saved lists. |
gFinanceAdmin | A group of privileges that provides all administrative finance-related functions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
gHouseholdManagement | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage all household-related functions. |
gImportProcessManagement | A group of privileges that allows the user to perform and manage import processes. |
gInboundExchangeSyncUser | A group of privileges required for inbound synchronization users of Microsoft Exchange Server. |
gLeadDistribution | A group of privileges that allows the user to administer lead distribution. |
gLeadManagement | A group of privileges that allows the user to administer lead management. |
gMessageDispatch | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage message dispatches. |
gPortalAccess | A group of privileges that allows the user to be able to view items in the portal application. |
gPortalAdmin | A group of privileges that grants the user full portal administrative privileges. |
gPortalPersonalizeUser | A group of privileges that allows the user to personalize their portal workspaces. |
gPortalServerUser | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage portals. |
gPrivateConfigTypeManagement | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage private configuration types. |
gPublicConfigTypeManagement | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage public configuration types. |
gReportAccess | A group of privileges that allows the user to run Jasper reports. |
GenerateImportDefinition | Allows the user to generate import definitions. |
GenericRPCSecurable | Allows the user to make RPC calls on the server with any client in addition to the default option, which is flat web. |
HierarchyContextManage | Allows the user to manage hierarchy context priorities. |
HistoricalAuditManage | Allows the user to edit historical audit master tables in NexJ Admin Console. |
HistoryItemManage | Allows the user to manage client UI history. |
HistoryItemView | Allows the user to view client UI history. |
HoldableManage | Allows the user to manage holdables in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
HoldingsManage | Allows the user to manage holdings in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
HouseholdActiveManage | Allows the user to deactivate or activate households. |
HouseholdCreate | Allows the user to add a new household. |
HouseholdDelete | Allows the user to delete an existing household. |
HouseholdSecurable | Allows the user to view other members of their own household. This privilege is only relevant to external users. |
HouseholdUpdate | Allows the user to change the properties of an existing household. |
HouseholdView | Allows the user to view households. |
ilm:CallScriptManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete lead call scripts. |
ilm:CallScriptTemplateCreate | Allows the user to create lead call script templates. |
ilm:CallScriptTemplateDelete | Allows the user to delete lead call script templates. |
ilm:CallScriptTemplateUpdate | Allows the user to update lead call script templates. |
ilm:CallScriptTemplateView | Allows the user to view lead call script templates. |
ilm:CallScriptView | Allows the user to view lead call scripts. |
ilm:EnableAdminLeadManagement | Enables administrator functionality for integrated lead management for the user. |
ilm:EnableIntegratedLeadManagement | Enables integrated lead management for the user. |
ilm:ExportImportSchemeAdmin | Allows the user to export and import leads call script templates in Scheme. |
ilm:gLeadAdmin | A group of privileges that grants full administrative privileges for leads. |
ilm:gLeadManager | A group of privileges that allows the user to manage leads and lead call script templates. |
ilm:gLeadUser | A group of privileges that allows the user to create, update, and delete leads and lead call scripts. |
ilm:LeadAllView | Allows the user to view all leads. |
ilm:LeadCreate | Allows the user to create leads. |
ilm:LeadDelete | Allows the user to delete leads. |
ilm:LeadDistributionManage | Allows the user to distribute leads. |
ilm:LeadManage | Allows the user to manage leads. |
ilm:LeadView | Allows the user to view leads. |
ImportProcessManage | Allows the user to run the import process. |
ImportProcessView | Allows the user to view import processes and results. |
InternalManage | Allows the user to be able to manage all internal aspects of the application. This privilege should be automatically assigned to all internal users. |
JMXManage | Allows the user to view and edit JMX statistics in NexJ System Admin Console. |
KYCManage | Allows the user to manage KYCs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
LayoutManage | Allows the user to create, update, and manage layouts in NexJ Studio. |
LayoutView | Allows the user to view layouts in NexJ Studio. |
LogManage | Allows the user to adjust application logger attributes. |
ManageUnsubscribedNotifications | Allows the user access to the Turned off notifications tab on the Customize workspace. |
NotifyServerManage | Allows the user to manage notify servers. |
NotifyServerView | Allows the user to view a notify server. |
NotificationsManage | Allows the user to view notifications, mark notifications as read, clear notifications, and execute quick responses from notifications. |
NotificationsView | Allows the user to view notifications in the notifications stream. |
NotifyTargetManage | Allows the user to manage notify targets. |
NotifyTargetView | Allows the user to view notify targets. |
OpportunityAdmin | Allows the user to create and edit opportunity templates in NexJ Admin Console. |
OpportunityApprovalApprove | Allows the user to approve an opportunity approval request. |
OpportunityApprovalRequest | Allows the user to submit an opportunity change for approval. |
OptionBlockManage | Allows the user to create, update, and remove user options in NexJ Admin Console. |
OptionBlockView | Allows the user to view user options in NexJ Admin Console. |
PartitionManage | Allows the user to create, read, and update partitions. Only the system administrator should have this privilege. |
PartitionView | Allows the user to view partitions. |
PasswordAllManage | Allows the user to set any user's password. |
PasswordSelfManage | Allows the user to set their own password. |
PeriodView | Allows the user to view periods. |
PersonActiveManage | Allows the user to deactivate or activate people. |
PersonView | Allows the user to view a Person object. |
PoolManage | Allows changing resource and consumer pool properties at run time. |
PortfolioImportManage | Allows the user to manage portfolio import jobs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
PortfolioImportView | Allows the user to view portfolio import jobs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
PortfolioManage | Allows the user to manage portfolios in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
PortletLibraryAccess | Allows the user to access the portlet library. |
PortletManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete portlets from the Registry. |
PortletView | Allows the user to query for portlets from the Registry. |
PrivateActivityPlanTemplateManage | Allows the user to set activity plan templates to a security level of private. When assigning this privilege, also look at how the AdminEditActivityPlanTemplate and PublicActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned. |
PrivateCategoryManage | Allows the user to set categories to a security level of private. |
PrivateCoverageTeamManage | Allows the user to set coverage groups to a security level of private. |
PrivateCustomFieldTypeManage | Allows the user to set custom field types to a security level of private. |
PrivateEntityListManage | Allows the user to set saved lists to a security level of private. |
PrivateEntityQueryManage | Allows the user to set entity queries to a security level of private. (Deprecated.) |
PrivateFolderManage | Allows the user to set folders to a security level of private. |
PrivateQuickReportsManage | Allows the user to set ad hoc reports to a security level of private. |
PrivateReportDefinitionFolderManage | Allows the user to set report definition folders to a security level of private. |
PrivateReportLayoutManage | Allows the user to set report layouts to a security level of private. |
PrivateSavedFilterRuleManage | Allows the user to manage private saved filter rules. |
PrivateScheduleItemManage | Allows the user to set schedule items to a security level of private. This privilege should not be given to any user. |
PrivateScheduleItemView | Allows the user to view schedule items with a security level of private. |
PrivateUserListManage | Allows the user to set user lists to a security level of private. |
ProcessQueueEnqueue | Allows the user to add a task to the process queue. |
ProcessQueueManage | Allows the user to manage process queues and lists of queued processes in NexJ Admin Console. |
ProcessStatusChangeManage | Allows the user to add, update, and delete SysProcessStatusChange instances. |
PublicACLView | Allows the user to see items relating to the public principal in an access control list. |
PublicActivityPlanTemplateManage | Allows the user to set activity plan templates to a security level of public. When assigning this privilege, also look at how the AdminEditActivityPlanTemplate and PrivateActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned. |
PublicCategoryManage | Allows the user to set categories to a security level of public. |
PublicCoverageTeamManage | Allows the user to set coverage groups to a security level of public. |
PublicCustomFieldTypeManage | Allows the user to set custom field types to a security level of public. |
PublicEntityListManage | Allows the user to set saved lists to a security level of public. |
PublicEntityQueryManage | Allows the user to set entity queries to a security level of public. (Deprecated.) |
PublicFolderManage | Allows the user to set folders to a security level of public. |
PublicPrincipalManage | Allows the user to set the principal to a security level of public. This privilege should not be given to any user. |
PublicQuickReportManage | Allows the user to set ad hoc reports to a security level of public. |
PublicReportDefinitionFolderManage | Allows the user to set report folder definitions to a security level of public. |
PublicReportLayoutManage | Allows the user to set report layouts to a security level of public. |
PublicSavedFilterRuleManage | Allows the user to manage public saved filter rules. |
PublicUserListManage | Allows the user to set user lists to a security level of public. |
PushRedirect | Allows the user to establish a connection from push redirector to application server. |
QueueManage | Allows the user to administer SysQueues. |
QueueView | Allows the user to view SysQueues. |
QuickReportManage | Allows the user to manage ad hoc reports. |
RegistryPortletManage | Allows the user to create, edit, and delete portlets from the registry. |
RegistryPortletView | Allows the user to query for portlets from the registry. |
ReportDefinitionFolderManage | Allows the user to manage folders in the Ad Hoc Reports workspace. |
ReportLayoutManage | Allows the user to manage report layouts. |
RestrictionManage | Allows the user to manage restrictions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
roadshow:AdminEditRoadshowTemplates | Allows the user to create, update, and delete event templates. |
roadshow:gRoadshowAdmin | A group of privileges that grant administrative privileges for events. |
roadshow:gRoadshowCRUD | A group of privileges that allow the user to create, read, update, and delete events. |
roadshow:gRoadshowUser | A group of privileges that allow the user to view events. |
roadshow:RoadshowAdminAllAccess | Allows the user to access all events, regardless of event security settings. |
roadshow:RoadshowCreate | Allows the user to create events. |
roadshow:RoadshowManage | Allows the user to update and delete events. |
roadshow:RoadshowView | Allows the user to view events and event templates. |
RollupEngineManage | Allows you to configure the rollup engine in NexJ Admin Console. |
rules:gRuleAdmin | A group of privileges that grants full administrative privileges to notifiications. |
rules:gRuleUser | A group of privileges that determines whether a user can receive notifications and conversations. |
rules:RuleManage | Allows NexJ CRM to evaluate a rule and trigger a notification for a user. |
rules:RuleUIClient | Allows the user to view and manage rules in the Rules tab on the Customize workspace. |
rules:RuleView | Allows a user to trigger a rule. |
rules:RuleWorkspaceManage | Allows the user to access the Rules tab on the Customize workspace. |
RuleSetManage | Allows the user to manage the Rules Editor page in NexJ Admin Console. |
SavedFilterRuleManage | Allows the user to manage saved filter rules. |
SavedFilterRuleView | Allows the user to view saved filter rules. |
ScheduleDayReportManage | Allows the user to run the Schedule Day Report. |
ScheduleMonthReportManage | Allows the user to run the Schedule Month Report. |
ScheduleWeekReportManage | Allows the user to run the Schedule Week Report. |
SectorManage | Allows the user to manage sectors and sector types in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
ServiceLevelManage | Allows the user to modify entity service model for activity tracking. |
ServiceLevelView | Allows the user to view service levels. |
ServiceRequestApprovalApprove | Allows the user to approve a service request approval request. |
ServiceRequestApprovalRequest | Allows the user to submit a service request change for approval. |
ServiceRequestDelete | Allows the user to delete service requests. |
ServiceRequestManage | Allows the user to create and update service requests. |
ServiceRequestSLAOverride | Allows the user to edit the First Response By and Resolution By service level agreement metrics for service requests. |
ServiceRequestView | Allows the user to view service requests. |
SharedWorkspaceManage | Allows the user to publish workspaces to user template. |
SubscriptionEngineManage | Allows the user to configure the Subscription Engine Service. |
SubscriptionEngineView | Allows the user to view Subscription Engine Service configurations. |
SyncEntityListMemberManage | Allows the user to add and remove entities from a sync list. |
SyncManage | Allows the user to manage the Synchronization page in NexJ Admin Console. |
SysAdminApplicationAccess | Allows the user to access NexJ System Admin Console. |
SystemAuditManage | Allows the user to modify the system audit fields directly. |
SystemUserTemplateManage | Allows the user to modify the system user type. This privilege should not be given to any user. |
TaskAssignmentManage | Allows the user to manage default assignments of tasks. |
TaskAssignmentView | Allows the user to view default assignments of tasks. |
TaskReportManage | Allows the user to run the Task Report. |
TeamDelete | Allows the user to delete a team in NexJ Admin Console. |
TeamManage | Allows the user to create and update teams in NexJ Admin Console. |
TeamView | Allows the user to view teams. |
TeamViewStateCreate | Allows the user to create team schedule views. |
TeamViewStateDelete | Allows the user to delete team schedule views. |
TelcomManage | Allows the user to manage telcoms. |
TelcomView | Allows the user to view telcoms. |
TransactionManage | Allows the user to manage transactions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
TransactionTypeManage | Allows the user to manage transaction types in NexJ Customer Relationship Management. |
TrustedHostManage | Allows the user to manage trusted enterprise components hosts. |
TrustedHostView | Allows the user to query for a list of trusted enterprise components hosts. |
UserAuditManage | Allows the user to modify the user audit fields. |
UserCreate | Allows the user to create a new user in NexJ Admin Console. |
UserDelete | Allows the user to delete an existing user in NexJ Admin Console. |
UserDisable | Allows the user to disable an existing user in NexJ Admin Console. |
UserFieldManage | Allows the user to add user fields. |
UserFieldView | Allows the user to read user fields. |
UserGroupCreate | Allows the user to create a new user group in NexJ Admin Console. |
UserGroupDelete | Allows the user to delete an existing user group in NexJ Admin Console. |
UserGroupLinkManage | Allows the user to add or remove users from groups. |
UserGroupPermissionManage | Allows the user to add or remove permissions from user/user group pairs. |
UserGroupPrivilegeLinkManage | Allows the user to add or remove privileges from user groups. |
UserGroupTypeManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete user group types. |
UserGroupUpdate | Allows the user to edit the properties of user group in NexJ Admin Console. |
UserListManage | Allows the user to create and update user lists in NexJ Admin Console. |
UserPersonActiveManage | Allows the user to deactivate or activate NexJ Admin Console users. |
UserRegistryClientComponentManage | Allows the user to manage the UserRegistryClientComponent class. |
UserRegistryClientComponentView | Allows the user to view the UserRegistryClientComponent class. |
UserRegistryClientPrivilegeManage | Allows the user to manage access to the UserRegistryClientPrivilege class. |
UserRegistryClientPrivilegeView | Allows the user to view the UserRegistryClientPrivilege class. |
UserRegistryClientRolePrivilegeManage | Allows the user to manage the UserRegistryClientRolePrivilege class. |
UserRegistryClientRolePrivilegeView | Allows the user to view the UserRegistryClientRolePrivilege class. |
UserSubscriptionRuleManage | Allows the user the ability to configure UserSubscriptionRule. |
UserSubscriptionRuleView | Allows the user the ability to view UserSubscriptionRule. |
UserTemplateManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete user templates. |
UserUpdate | Allows the user to edit the properties of users in NexJ Admin Console. |
VirtualScheduleItemManage | Allows the user to create, edit, and delete virtual schedule items. |
VirtualScheduleItemView | Allows the user to view virtual schedule items. |
WorkflowManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete workflow objects. |
WorkQueueItemBatchAssign | Allows the user to assign multiple work queue items to themselves or to another user. |
WorkQueueItemPull | Allows the user to pull tasks from a work queue and assign the tasks to themselves. |
WorkQueueItemPush | Allows the user to assign tasks to a work queue. |
WorkQueueManage | Allows the user to create, update, and delete work queues in NexJ Admin Console. |
WorkQueueView | Allows the user to view the Work Queues workspace. |
WorkspaceCopy | Allows the user to copy workspaces. |
WorkspaceCreate | Allows the user to create workspaces. |
WorkspaceCustomize | Allows the user to customize workspaces. |
WorkspaceDelete | Allows the user to delete workspaces. |
WorkspaceLinkManage | Allows the user to create workspace links. |
WorkspacePublish | Allows the user to publish workspaces. |
WorkspaceSelect | Allows the user to create workspace links within the portal admin tools. |
WorkspaceUpdate | Allows the user to update workspaces. |