NexJ CRM privileges

This section describes all available privileges and their functions.
Privilege Name Function
AccountManage Allows the user to manage accounts in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
ACLView Allows the user to only see contacts in an access control list when the access control list feature has been enabled.
ActAttachmentManage Allows the user to manage activity attachments.
ActAttachmentView Allows the user to view activity attachments.
ActHistoryView Allows the user to view activity history.
ActView Allows the user to view activities and related classes.
AddressManage Allows the user to manage addresses.
AddressView Allows the user to view addresses.
AdHocAdministrator Administers the AdHoc Reporting server.
AdHocActivityManager Assigns the manager role within the Activity domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocActivityUser Assigns the user role within the Activity domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocBusinessProcessManager Assigns the manager role within the BusinessProcess domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocBusinessProcessUser Assigns the user role within the BusinessProcess domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignParticipantManager Assigns the manager role within the CampaignParticipant domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignParticipantUser Assigns the user role within the CampaignParticipant domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignManager Assigns the manager role within the Campaign domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCampaignUser Assigns the user role within the Campaign domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCategoryManager Assigns the manager role within the Category domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCategoryUser Assigns the user role within the Category domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCompanyManager Assigns the manager role within the Company domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCompanyUser Assigns the user role within the Company domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocContactManager Assigns the manager role within the Contact domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocContactUser Assigns the user role within the Contact domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCoverageTeamManager Assigns the manager role within the CoverageTeam domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocCoverageTeamUser Assigns the user role within the CoverageTeam domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocHouseholdManager Assigns the manager role within the Household domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocHouseholdUser Assigns the user role within the Household domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocInboundCallManager Assigns the manager role within the InboundCall domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocInboundCallUser Assigns the user role within the InboundCall domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocManager Allows access to the Manage tab. Must be used in conjunction with the AdHocDomain Manager privileges.
AdHocOpportunityManager Assigns the manager role within the Opportunities domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocOpportunityUser Assigns the user role within the Opportunities domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocRoadshowManager Assigns the manager role within the Roadshow domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocRoadshowUser Assigns the user role within the Roadshow domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocServiceModelManager Assigns the manager role within the ServiceModel domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocServiceModelUser Assigns the user role within the ServiceModel domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocSLMManager Assigns the manager role within the SLM domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocSLMUser Assigns the user role within the SLM domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocStaticReportsManager Assigns the manager role for static reports.
AdHocStaticReportsUser Assigns the user role for static reports.
AdHocUserFieldManager Assigns the manager role within the UserField domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocUserFieldUser Assigns the user role within the UserField domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocUserManager Assigns the manager role within the User domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdHocUserUser Assigns the user role within the User domain of the AdHoc reporting server.
AdminActivityPlanTemplateManage Allows the user to view activity plan templates.
AdminAddressLookup Allows the user to import new AddressLookup data in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminApplicationAccess Allows the user to access NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBIBulkSync Allows the user to initiate a BI bulk sync in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBIManage Allows the user to modify BI metaclasses loaded on reseed in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBITargetManage Allows the user to create and delete BI targets in NexJ Admin Console.

This privilege should not be given to any users because BI target is a singleton.

AdminBPDocBundleUpdate Allows the user to update existing BPDocBundles and documents in NexJ Admin Console.

This privilege should only be given to the system administrator.

AdminBPDocTemplateManage Allows the user to manage BPDocTemplates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBatchProcessManage Allows the user to form batch process configurations in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBusinessProcessManage Allows the user to manage business process templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminBusinessProcessUpdate Allows the user to delete or update existing business process templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminCategoryManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of categories in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminCoverageTeamManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of coverage groups in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminCustomFieldTypeManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of custom field types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditActBadgeConfig Allows the user to manage activity dashboard badges in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditActTemplateStatus Allows the user to manage activity template status in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditActionTemplates Allows the user to manage activity templates in NexJ Admin Console.

Allows the user to manage activity plan templates.

When assigning this privilege, also look at how the PublicActivityPlanTemplateManage and PrivateActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned.

AdminEditAddrTypes Allows the user to manage address types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditCategories Allows the user to manage category types for a contact, user, company, or household profile in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditCommsTypes Allows the user to manage communication types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditCustomFieldTypes Allows the user to manage custom field types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditDocTemplates Allows the user to manage document templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditDocTypes Allows the user to manage document types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditEntityBadgeConfig Allows the user to manage entity dashboard badge configurations in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditEntityType Allows the user to manage entity types in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditPredefinedFilters Allows the user to manage predefined filters for saved lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEditServiceRequestTemplate Allows the user to create and edit service request templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEntityListManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of saved lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminEntityQueryManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of entity queries in NexJ Admin Console. (Deprecated.)
AdminEnumDisplayManage Allows the user to edit EnumDisplay in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminFolderManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of folders in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportContacts Allows the user to import contacts from a CSV file in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportProcessManage Allows the user to manage import process templates in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportProcessUpdate Allows the user to update any import process at any stage in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminImportProcessView Allows the user to view any import process at any stage in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminMailMergeConfigurationManage Allows the user to add, edit, and delete mail merge configurations.
AdminMailMergeConfigurationView Allows the user to view the contents of mail merge configurations.
AdminPeriodManage Allows the user to create and update periods in NexJ Admin Console when service level management is enabled.
AdminQuickReportManage Allows the user to manage the security of ad hoc report definitions in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminReportDefinitionFolderManage Allows the user to manage the security of report folder definitions in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminReportLayoutManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of report layouts in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminResetUserPassword Allows the user to change the passwords of any other user in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminSavedFilterRuleManage Allows the user to administer saved filter rules.
AdminServiceLevelManage Allows the user to manage service level features in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminSyncEntityListEdit Allows the user to update user sync lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminUserGroupManage Allows the user to manage user groups in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminUserListManage Allows the user to manage all security levels of user lists in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskHistoryManage Allows the user to edit entries of work queue task history in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskManage Allows the user to edit work queue tasks in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskReadOwned Allows the user to read work queue tasks in NexJ Admin Console that are owned by other users.
AdminWorkQueueTaskSetOwner Allows the user to edit the owner field of a work queue task in NexJ Admin Console.
AdminWorkQueueTaskSwitchQueues Allows the user to move a task from one work queue to another in NexJ Admin Console.
ApplicationCreate Allows the user to create applications.
ApplicationDelete Allows the user to delete an existing application.
ApplicationSwitch Allows the user to switch existing applications.
ApplicationUpdate Allows the user to update an existing application.
AssignmentModelAdmin Allows the user to manage assignment models in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogConfigurationManage Allows the user to manage audit trail configuration in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogConfigurationView Allows the user to view audit trail configuration in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogCreate Allows the user to create audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogDelete Allows the user to delete audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogUpdate Allows the user to update audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AuditLogView Allows the user to view audit trail entries in NexJ Admin Console.
AvailableScheduleItemManage Allows the user to create, edit, and delete available schedule items.
AvailableScheduleItemView Allows the user to view available schedule slots.
BatchBrokerProcessManage Allows the user to manage batch broker processes as well as hide and expose events from the batch broker process in NexJ Admin Console.
BatchBrokerProcessView Allows the user to view batch broker processes in NexJ Admin Console.
BatchCoverageGroupManage Allows the user to perform coverage group add and remove batch operations.
BatchCoverageManage Allows the user to perform coverage add and remove batch operations.
BatchJobManage Allows the user to manage actions for batch jobs.
BatchJobRun Allows the user to execute actions for batch jobs.
BatchProcessManage Allows the user to perform batch operations.
BICubeReportManage Allows the user to manage cube report metadata.
BICubeReportView Allows the user to view cube report metadata.
BirthdayMailerView Allows the user to print birthday mailers and enables the Contacts with Upcoming Birthdays filter for the user.
BIView Allows the user to view BI metaclasses loaded by reseed.
BIWrite Allows the user to write BI instances in NexJ Admin Console.

This privilege should only be given to users of the BI sync channel.

BPDocBundleManage Allows the user to manage business process document bundles.
BPDocBundleView Allows the user to view business process document bundles.
BranchView Allows the user to only see contacts in a branch or list of branches.
BriefingBookReportManage Allows the user to generate the Briefing Book Report.
BulletinManage Allows the user to create and edit login bulletins.
BulletinView Allows the user to view login bulletins.
Business Process Approver A group of privileges that allows the user to approve or reject approval requests for business processes.
BusinessProcessManage Allows the user to manage a business process.
BusinessProcessView Allows the user to view a business process.
call:AdminCallView Allows the user to configure call scripts, using the Customize workspace in NexJ CRM.
call:CallReasonManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete call reasons for call scripts.
call:CallReasonView Allows the user to view call reasons for call scripts.
call:CallScriptManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete call scripts.
call:CallScriptTemplateCreate Allows the user to create call script templates.
call:CallScriptTemplateDelete Allows the user to delete call script templates.
call:CallScriptTemplateUpdate Allows the user to update call script templates.
call:CallScriptTemplateView Allows the user to view call script templates.
call:CallScriptView Allows the user to view call scripts.
call:ExportImportSchemeAdmin Allows the user to export and import call script templates in Scheme.
call:gCallAdmin A group of privileges that assigns inbound call privileges to an administrator.
call:gCallUser A group of privileges that assigns inbound call privileges to a user.
call:InboundCallBeaconView Allows the user to view the inbound call icon on the Inbound Call workspace.
call:InboundCallManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete inbound calls on the Inbound Call workspace.
call:InboundCallView Allows the user to view inbound calls on the Inbound Call workspace.
call:UserCallStateManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete call state records for inbound calls.
call:UserCallStateView Allows the user to read call state records for inbound calls.
ClientActivityMonitor Allows logging of client performance metrics for the user.
ClientCoverage Allows the user to manage client coverage.
ClientOptionBlockManage Allows the user to manage the option block from the client side.

Allows performance banners for the user.

This privilege overrides the clientPerfStatusEnabled setting in the environment file.

cm:AccountManage Allows the user to view and manage accounts in Account Mapping on the Customize workspace.
cm:AccountView Allows the user to view accounts in Account Mapping on the Customize workspace.
cm:CallListManage Allows the user to view and manage call lists on the Call Lists workspace when Capital Markets functionality is enabled and on the Contacts workspace.
cm:CallListView Allows the user to view and use call lists on the Call Lists workspace when Capital Markets functionality is enabled and on the Contacts workspace.
cm:FundActiveManage Allows the user to activate or deactivate funds.
cm:FundManage Allows the user to manage funds.
cm:FundView Allows the user to view funds.
cm:gCapitalMarketsAdmin A group of privileges that provides full administrative access to Capital Markets functionality.
cm:gCapitalMarketsUser A group of privileges that provides view access to capital markets functionality.
cm:HomeScreenView Allows the user to view the Capital Markets tab and subtabs on the Home workspace.
cm:ResearchSubjectManage Allows the user to view and manage research subscriptions on the Contacts and Customize workspaces.
cm:ResearchSubjectView Allows the user to view research subscriptions on the Contacts workspace.
cm:RevenueSummaryManage Allows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Revenue Summary tab in a contact's portfolio. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa.
cm:RevenueSummaryView Allows the user to view revenue summary data in the Revenue Summary tab in a contact's portfolio.
cm:SecurityHoldingManage Allows the user to view and manage manual security holdings.
cm:SecurityHoldingView Allows the user to view securities holdings.
cm:SecurityManage Allows the user to view and manage securities on the Securities workspace.
cm:SecurityView Allows the user to view the Securities workspace.
cm:StockInterestManage Allows the user to view and manage stock interests for a contact on the Contacts workspace.
cm:StockInterestView Allows the user to view stock interests for a contact on the Contacts workspace.
cm:SubscriptionManage Allows the user to view and manage subscriptions in the Subscriptions tab in a contact's portfolio.
cm:SubscriptionView Allows the user to view subscriptions in the Subscriptions tab in a contact's portfolio.
cm:TaxonomyManage Allows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Taxonomy Management tab on the Securities workspace. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa.
cm:TaxonomyView Allows the user to view the company, industry, and sector hierarchy and assign coverage in the Taxonomy Management tab on the Securities workspace.
cm:TransactionManage Allows NexJ CRM to integrate third-party data into the Transactions workspace. Assign this privilege to the NexJ CRM system administrator user, for example, nexjsa.
cm:TransactionView Allows the user to view transactions on the Transactions workspace.
CompanyActiveManage Allows the user to deactivate or activate companies.
CompanyCreate Allows the user to create a new company.
CompanyDelete Allows the user to delete an existing company.
CompanyUpdate Allows the user to change the properties of an existing company.
CompanyView Allows the user to view an existing company.
ContactCreate Allows the user to create a new contact.
ContactDelete Allows the user to delete an existing contact.
ContactUpdate Allows the user to change the properties of an existing contact.
ConversationDelete Allows the user to delete an existing conversation.
ConversationManage Allows the user to view, create, and edit conversations.
ConversationNonPrivateManage Allows the user to manage non-private conversations.
ConversationNonPrivateView Allows the user to view non-private conversations.
ConversationUserDelete Allows the user to delete conversation users.
CoverageRoleAdmin Allows the user to manage coverage roles.
CoverageTeamAdmin Allows the user to add, modify, and delete coverage teams in NexJ Admin Console.
CurrencyManage Allows the user to manage currencies and exchange rates in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.

Allows the user to configure the data match service.

This privilege is used for features such as data import.


Allows the user to submit data sets to the data match service for matching.

This privilege is used for features such as data import.


Allows the user to view data match service configurations.

This privilege is used for features such as data import.

Debug Allows the user to set breakpoints in Scheme code in sessions owned by the current user.
DebugAnyone Allows the user to set breakpoints in Scheme code that are triggered by other users.
DebugEval Allows the user to evaluate any expression while debugging.
DistributedTaskManage Allows the user to manage DistributeTask and DistributedTaskUnits in NexJ Admin Console.
DocumentView Allows the user to view a document.
EnableIntegratedLeadManagement Enables Integrated Lead Management for the user.
EnableLocalization Enables templates (including business process templates) to be localized.
EntityActiveManage Allows the user to deactivate or activate entities.
EntityApprovalApprove Allows the user to approve an approval request for a business process for a change to a company or contact.
EntityApprovalRequest Allows the user to submit an approval request for a business process for a change to a company or contact.
EntityCategoryManage Allows the user to add, edit, and delete entity categories.
EntityCategoryView Allows the user to view entity categories.
EntityListCoverageViewManage Allows the user to limit the view security of a saved list by coverage group.
EntityListManage Allows the user to manage saved lists.
EntityListMemberManage Allows the user to add or remove the members of saved lists.
EntityListPublicViewManage Allows the user to set the view security of a saved list to Public.
EntityListView Allows the user to view any saved lists.
EntityQueryManage Allows the user to create and modify queries used for entity search. (Deprecated.)
EntityView Allows the user to view entities and related classes.
EnumDisplayBaseRead Allows the user to read enumeration base displays.
EnumDisplayManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete enumeration displays.
EnumManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete enumerations in NexJ Admin Console.
EnumRead Allows the user to view enumerations in NexJ Admin Console.
EventManage Allows the user to create and update events.
EventView Allows the user to view events.

Allows the user to manage external aspects of the application.

This privilege should be automatically assigned to all external users.

FavouriteUserListManage Allows the user to manage favorite lists of users.
FeeBasedGroupManage Allows the user to manage fee-based groups in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FilterRuleManage Allows the user to create, edit, and delete filter rules.
FilterRuleMetadataManage Allows the user to manage field and subject area associations in NexJ Admin Console.
FilterRuleMetadataView Allows the user to view field and subject area associations in NexJ Admin Console.
FilterRuleView Allows the user to view filter rules.
FinanceView Allows the user to view financial data such as portfolios, accounts, holdings, and transactions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FinancialDateManage Allows the user to manage financial dates in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FinancialPeriodManage Allows the user to manage financial periods in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
FirmView Allows the user to see all records across all branches.
flow:ExportImportSchemeAdmin Allows the user to export and import business process and flow templates in Scheme.
flow:FlowManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete flows and related objects.
flow:FlowManageAdmin Allows the user to update flows.
flow:FlowTemplateManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete flow templates and related objects.
flow:FlowTemplateView Allows the user to view flow templates and related objects.
flow:FlowView Allows the user to view flows and related objects.
flow:gFlowGeneralAdmin A group of privileges that allows the user to manage flows and flow templates.
flow:gFlowGeneralManage A group of privileges that allows the user to manage flows.
flow:gFlowTemplateGeneralManage A group of privileges that allows the user to manage flow templates.
flow:QuestionnaireManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete questionnaires and related objects.
flow:QuestionnaireTemplateManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete questionnaire templates and related objects.
flow:QuestionnaireTemplateView Allows the user to view questionnaire templates and related objects.
flow:QuestionnaireView Allows the user to view questionnaires and related objects.
FolderManage Allows the user to view and edit the folders in the Document Manager workspace.
FormulaManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete formulas in NexJ Studio.
FormulaView Allows the user to read formulas in NexJ Studio.

A group of privileges that provides all administrator privileges.

This group of privileges should only be assigned to administrative users.

gAuthenticatedPrincipal A group of privileges that should be given to all authenticated principals.
gBusinessProcessAdmin A group of privileges that allows the user to create, modify, activate, deactivate, and delete business processes.
gCompanyManagement A group of privileges that allows the user to view, create, update, and delete companies.
gConfigTypeManagement A group of privileges that provides the privileges required to create, update, and delete configuration types.
gContactManagement A group of privileges that provides the privileges required for standard contact management.

A group of privileges that provides high-level administrative privileges.

This group of privileges should only be assigned to the default seeded nexjsa user.

gDataMatchServiceAdmin A group of privileges that provides the privileges for data match service administrators.
gDataMatchServiceUser A group of privileges that provides the privileges for data match service users.
gEnableIntegratedLeadManagement A group of privileges that provides the privileges for enabling Integrated Lead Management.
gEnterpriseRoleAdmin A group of privileges that provides full administrative access to enterprise roles and enterprise role to user mapping.
gEnterpriseRoleView A group of privileges that provides the ability to view enterprise role-related data.
gEntityListManagement A group of privileges that allows the user to manage saved lists.
gFinanceAdmin A group of privileges that provides all administrative finance-related functions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
gHouseholdManagement A group of privileges that allows the user to manage all household-related functions.
gImportProcessManagement A group of privileges that allows the user to perform and manage import processes.
gInboundExchangeSyncUser A group of privileges required for inbound synchronization users of Microsoft Exchange Server.
gLeadDistribution A group of privileges that allows the user to administer lead distribution.
gLeadManagement A group of privileges that allows the user to administer lead management.
gMessageDispatch A group of privileges that allows the user to manage message dispatches.
gPortalAccess A group of privileges that allows the user to be able to view items in the portal application.
gPortalAdmin A group of privileges that grants the user full portal administrative privileges.
gPortalPersonalizeUser A group of privileges that allows the user to personalize their portal workspaces.
gPortalServerUser A group of privileges that allows the user to manage portals.
gPrivateConfigTypeManagement A group of privileges that allows the user to manage private configuration types.
gPublicConfigTypeManagement A group of privileges that allows the user to manage public configuration types.
gReportAccess A group of privileges that allows the user to run Jasper reports.
GenerateImportDefinition Allows the user to generate import definitions.
GenericRPCSecurable Allows the user to make RPC calls on the server with any client in addition to the default option, which is flat web.
HierarchyContextManage Allows the user to manage hierarchy context priorities.
HistoricalAuditManage Allows the user to edit historical audit master tables in NexJ Admin Console.
HistoryItemManage Allows the user to manage client UI history.
HistoryItemView Allows the user to view client UI history.
HoldableManage Allows the user to manage holdables in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
HoldingsManage Allows the user to manage holdings in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
HouseholdActiveManage Allows the user to deactivate or activate households.
HouseholdCreate Allows the user to add a new household.
HouseholdDelete Allows the user to delete an existing household.

Allows the user to view other members of their own household.

This privilege is only relevant to external users.

HouseholdUpdate Allows the user to change the properties of an existing household.
HouseholdView Allows the user to view households.
ilm:CallScriptManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete lead call scripts.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateCreate Allows the user to create lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateDelete Allows the user to delete lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateUpdate Allows the user to update lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptTemplateView Allows the user to view lead call script templates.
ilm:CallScriptView Allows the user to view lead call scripts.
ilm:EnableAdminLeadManagement Enables administrator functionality for integrated lead management for the user.
ilm:EnableIntegratedLeadManagement Enables integrated lead management for the user.
ilm:ExportImportSchemeAdmin Allows the user to export and import leads call script templates in Scheme.
ilm:gLeadAdmin A group of privileges that grants full administrative privileges for leads.
ilm:gLeadManager A group of privileges that allows the user to manage leads and lead call script templates.
ilm:gLeadUser A group of privileges that allows the user to create, update, and delete leads and lead call scripts.
ilm:LeadAllView Allows the user to view all leads.
ilm:LeadCreate Allows the user to create leads.
ilm:LeadDelete Allows the user to delete leads.
ilm:LeadDistributionManage Allows the user to distribute leads.
ilm:LeadManage Allows the user to manage leads.
ilm:LeadView Allows the user to view leads.
ImportProcessManage Allows the user to run the import process.
ImportProcessView Allows the user to view import processes and results.

Allows the user to be able to manage all internal aspects of the application.

This privilege should be automatically assigned to all internal users.

JMXManage Allows the user to view and edit JMX statistics in NexJ System Admin Console.
KYCManage Allows the user to manage KYCs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
LayoutManage Allows the user to create, update, and manage layouts in NexJ Studio.
LayoutView Allows the user to view layouts in NexJ Studio.
LogManage Allows the user to adjust application logger attributes.
ManageUnsubscribedNotifications Allows the user access to the Turned off notifications tab on the Customize workspace.
NotifyServerManage Allows the user to manage notify servers.
NotifyServerView Allows the user to view a notify server.
NotificationsManage Allows the user to view notifications, mark notifications as read, clear notifications, and execute quick responses from notifications.
NotificationsView Allows the user to view notifications in the notifications stream.
NotifyTargetManage Allows the user to manage notify targets.
NotifyTargetView Allows the user to view notify targets.
OpportunityAdmin Allows the user to create and edit opportunity templates in NexJ Admin Console.
OpportunityApprovalApprove Allows the user to approve an opportunity approval request.
OpportunityApprovalRequest Allows the user to submit an opportunity change for approval.
OptionBlockManage Allows the user to create, update, and remove user options in NexJ Admin Console.
OptionBlockView Allows the user to view user options in NexJ Admin Console.
PartitionManage Allows the user to create, read, and update partitions. Only the system administrator should have this privilege.
PartitionView Allows the user to view partitions.
PasswordAllManage Allows the user to set any user's password.
PasswordSelfManage Allows the user to set their own password.
PeriodView Allows the user to view periods.
PersonActiveManage Allows the user to deactivate or activate people.
PersonView Allows the user to view a Person object.
PoolManage Allows changing resource and consumer pool properties at run time.
PortfolioImportManage Allows the user to manage portfolio import jobs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
PortfolioImportView Allows the user to view portfolio import jobs in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
PortfolioManage Allows the user to manage portfolios in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
PortletLibraryAccess Allows the user to access the portlet library.
PortletManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete portlets from the Registry.
PortletView Allows the user to query for portlets from the Registry.

Allows the user to set activity plan templates to a security level of private.

When assigning this privilege, also look at how the AdminEditActivityPlanTemplate and PublicActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned.

PrivateCategoryManage Allows the user to set categories to a security level of private.
PrivateCoverageTeamManage Allows the user to set coverage groups to a security level of private.
PrivateCustomFieldTypeManage Allows the user to set custom field types to a security level of private.
PrivateEntityListManage Allows the user to set saved lists to a security level of private.
PrivateEntityQueryManage Allows the user to set entity queries to a security level of private. (Deprecated.)
PrivateFolderManage Allows the user to set folders to a security level of private.
PrivateQuickReportsManage Allows the user to set ad hoc reports to a security level of private.
PrivateReportDefinitionFolderManage Allows the user to set report definition folders to a security level of private.
PrivateReportLayoutManage Allows the user to set report layouts to a security level of private.
PrivateSavedFilterRuleManage Allows the user to manage private saved filter rules.

Allows the user to set schedule items to a security level of private.

This privilege should not be given to any user.

PrivateScheduleItemView Allows the user to view schedule items with a security level of private.
PrivateUserListManage Allows the user to set user lists to a security level of private.
ProcessQueueEnqueue Allows the user to add a task to the process queue.
ProcessQueueManage Allows the user to manage process queues and lists of queued processes in NexJ Admin Console.
ProcessStatusChangeManage Allows the user to add, update, and delete SysProcessStatusChange instances.
PublicACLView Allows the user to see items relating to the public principal in an access control list.

Allows the user to set activity plan templates to a security level of public.

When assigning this privilege, also look at how the AdminEditActivityPlanTemplate and PrivateActivityPlanTemplateManage privileges are assigned.

PublicCategoryManage Allows the user to set categories to a security level of public.
PublicCoverageTeamManage Allows the user to set coverage groups to a security level of public.
PublicCustomFieldTypeManage Allows the user to set custom field types to a security level of public.
PublicEntityListManage Allows the user to set saved lists to a security level of public.
PublicEntityQueryManage Allows the user to set entity queries to a security level of public. (Deprecated.)
PublicFolderManage Allows the user to set folders to a security level of public.

Allows the user to set the principal to a security level of public.

This privilege should not be given to any user.

PublicQuickReportManage Allows the user to set ad hoc reports to a security level of public.
PublicReportDefinitionFolderManage Allows the user to set report folder definitions to a security level of public.
PublicReportLayoutManage Allows the user to set report layouts to a security level of public.
PublicSavedFilterRuleManage Allows the user to manage public saved filter rules.
PublicUserListManage Allows the user to set user lists to a security level of public.
PushRedirect Allows the user to establish a connection from push redirector to application server.
QueueManage Allows the user to administer SysQueues.
QueueView Allows the user to view SysQueues.
QuickReportManage Allows the user to manage ad hoc reports.
RegistryPortletManage Allows the user to create, edit, and delete portlets from the registry.
RegistryPortletView Allows the user to query for portlets from the registry.
ReportDefinitionFolderManage Allows the user to manage folders in the Ad Hoc Reports workspace.
ReportLayoutManage Allows the user to manage report layouts.
RestrictionManage Allows the user to manage restrictions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
roadshow:AdminEditRoadshowTemplates Allows the user to create, update, and delete event templates.
roadshow:gRoadshowAdmin A group of privileges that grant administrative privileges for events.
roadshow:gRoadshowCRUD A group of privileges that allow the user to create, read, update, and delete events.
roadshow:gRoadshowUser A group of privileges that allow the user to view events.
roadshow:RoadshowAdminAllAccess Allows the user to access all events, regardless of event security settings.
roadshow:RoadshowCreate Allows the user to create events.
roadshow:RoadshowManage Allows the user to update and delete events.
roadshow:RoadshowView Allows the user to view events and event templates.
RollupEngineManage Allows you to configure the rollup engine in NexJ Admin Console.
rules:gRuleAdmin A group of privileges that grants full administrative privileges to notifiications.
rules:gRuleUser A group of privileges that determines whether a user can receive notifications and conversations.
rules:RuleManage Allows NexJ CRM to evaluate a rule and trigger a notification for a user.
rules:RuleUIClient Allows the user to view and manage rules in the Rules tab on the Customize workspace.
rules:RuleView Allows a user to trigger a rule.
rules:RuleWorkspaceManage Allows the user to access the Rules tab on the Customize workspace.
RuleSetManage Allows the user to manage the Rules Editor page in NexJ Admin Console.
SavedFilterRuleManage Allows the user to manage saved filter rules.
SavedFilterRuleView Allows the user to view saved filter rules.
ScheduleDayReportManage Allows the user to run the Schedule Day Report.
ScheduleMonthReportManage Allows the user to run the Schedule Month Report.
ScheduleWeekReportManage Allows the user to run the Schedule Week Report.
SectorManage Allows the user to manage sectors and sector types in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
ServiceLevelManage Allows the user to modify entity service model for activity tracking.
ServiceLevelView Allows the user to view service levels.
ServiceRequestApprovalApprove Allows the user to approve a service request approval request.
ServiceRequestApprovalRequest Allows the user to submit a service request change for approval.
ServiceRequestDelete Allows the user to delete service requests.
ServiceRequestManage Allows the user to create and update service requests.
ServiceRequestSLAOverride Allows the user to edit the First Response By and Resolution By service level agreement metrics for service requests.
ServiceRequestView Allows the user to view service requests.
SharedWorkspaceManage Allows the user to publish workspaces to user template.
SubscriptionEngineManage Allows the user to configure the Subscription Engine Service.
SubscriptionEngineView Allows the user to view Subscription Engine Service configurations.
SyncEntityListMemberManage Allows the user to add and remove entities from a sync list.
SyncManage Allows the user to manage the Synchronization page in NexJ Admin Console.
SysAdminApplicationAccess Allows the user to access NexJ System Admin Console.
SystemAuditManage Allows the user to modify the system audit fields directly.

Allows the user to modify the system user type.

This privilege should not be given to any user.

TaskAssignmentManage Allows the user to manage default assignments of tasks.
TaskAssignmentView Allows the user to view default assignments of tasks.
TaskReportManage Allows the user to run the Task Report.
TeamDelete Allows the user to delete a team in NexJ Admin Console.
TeamManage Allows the user to create and update teams in NexJ Admin Console.
TeamView Allows the user to view teams.
TeamViewStateCreate Allows the user to create team schedule views.
TeamViewStateDelete Allows the user to delete team schedule views.
TelcomManage Allows the user to manage telcoms.
TelcomView Allows the user to view telcoms.
TransactionManage Allows the user to manage transactions in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
TransactionTypeManage Allows the user to manage transaction types in NexJ Customer Relationship Management.
TrustedHostManage Allows the user to manage trusted enterprise components hosts.
TrustedHostView Allows the user to query for a list of trusted enterprise components hosts.
UserAuditManage Allows the user to modify the user audit fields.
UserCreate Allows the user to create a new user in NexJ Admin Console.
UserDelete Allows the user to delete an existing user in NexJ Admin Console.
UserDisable Allows the user to disable an existing user in NexJ Admin Console.
UserFieldManage Allows the user to add user fields.
UserFieldView Allows the user to read user fields.
UserGroupCreate Allows the user to create a new user group in NexJ Admin Console.
UserGroupDelete Allows the user to delete an existing user group in NexJ Admin Console.
UserGroupLinkManage Allows the user to add or remove users from groups.
UserGroupPermissionManage Allows the user to add or remove permissions from user/user group pairs.
UserGroupPrivilegeLinkManage Allows the user to add or remove privileges from user groups.
UserGroupTypeManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete user group types.
UserGroupUpdate Allows the user to edit the properties of user group in NexJ Admin Console.
UserListManage Allows the user to create and update user lists in NexJ Admin Console.
UserPersonActiveManage Allows the user to deactivate or activate NexJ Admin Console users.
UserRegistryClientComponentManage Allows the user to manage the UserRegistryClientComponent class.
UserRegistryClientComponentView Allows the user to view the UserRegistryClientComponent class.
UserRegistryClientPrivilegeManage Allows the user to manage access to the UserRegistryClientPrivilege class.
UserRegistryClientPrivilegeView Allows the user to view the UserRegistryClientPrivilege class.
UserRegistryClientRolePrivilegeManage Allows the user to manage the UserRegistryClientRolePrivilege class.
UserRegistryClientRolePrivilegeView Allows the user to view the UserRegistryClientRolePrivilege class.
UserSubscriptionRuleManage Allows the user the ability to configure UserSubscriptionRule.
UserSubscriptionRuleView Allows the user the ability to view UserSubscriptionRule.
UserTemplateManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete user templates.
UserUpdate Allows the user to edit the properties of users in NexJ Admin Console.
VirtualScheduleItemManage Allows the user to create, edit, and delete virtual schedule items.
VirtualScheduleItemView Allows the user to view virtual schedule items.
WorkflowManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete workflow objects.
WorkQueueItemBatchAssign Allows the user to assign multiple work queue items to themselves or to another user.
WorkQueueItemPull Allows the user to pull tasks from a work queue and assign the tasks to themselves.
WorkQueueItemPush Allows the user to assign tasks to a work queue.
WorkQueueManage Allows the user to create, update, and delete work queues in NexJ Admin Console.
WorkQueueView Allows the user to view the Work Queues workspace.
WorkspaceCopy Allows the user to copy workspaces.
WorkspaceCreate Allows the user to create workspaces.
WorkspaceCustomize Allows the user to customize workspaces.
WorkspaceDelete Allows the user to delete workspaces.
WorkspaceLinkManage Allows the user to create workspace links.
WorkspacePublish Allows the user to publish workspaces.
WorkspaceSelect Allows the user to create workspace links within the portal admin tools.
WorkspaceUpdate Allows the user to update workspaces.