Editing steps

Edit steps in a business process template when you want to modify details such as who steps are assigned to, when they are due, the order in which steps are assigned when the business process is submitted, or what attachments will be provided with them.
Before starting this task, ensure that you have deactivated the business process template. You cannot modify active templates.
To edit a step in a business process template:
  1. Navigate to the Customize workspace.
  2. In the Business Processes tab, select the template whose steps you want to edit.
  3. In the Steps subtab, click the Edit button .
    The Edit Business Process Steps dialog opens.
  4. If you want to edit a single step:
    1. Select the step that you want to edit, then click the Edit button .
      The Edit Business Process Step dialog opens.
    2. In the corresponding tabs and fields, make your changes to the step.
    3. Click OK to save your changes to the step.
      The Edit Business Process Step dialog closes.
  5. If you want to change the order in which the steps are assigned:
    1. Select a step.
    2. Click the Up or Down buttons to move the step up or down in the list.
  6. Click OK to save your changes to the business process template.
    The Edit Business Process Steps dialog closes.
You have edited the step in the business process template. The next time that a user runs this business process, the modified version of the step will be used.
Ensure that you have reactivated the business process template.