Other upgrade considerations

You may need to keep other considerations in mind as you are going though the upgrade process.

Search context changed to subject area

On the Contacts workspace, users can specify which types of entities (such as Contacts, Companies, Households, or Users) should be included in search results. Prior to version 6.1, these preset filters were defined as "search contexts". They are now defined as "subject areas". This does not affect the end user experience. However, if search contexts were customized for your deployment, you will need to make sure that equivalent customized subject areas exist.

Review the search contexts in version 5.1, which were defined in the BaseEntitySearchContext class, in the getClause event. Then create equivalent subject areas in version 6.1. Subject areas are are defined in the Entity class, in the getFilterRuleSubjectAreas event.

Exchange synchronization queue channels changed type

Prior to version 6.1, the following channels were MessageQueue channels:
  • ExchangeServiceQueue
  • ExchangeSnapshotQueue
  • ExchangeSyncQueue

These channels are now ObjectQueue channels. If these channels were customized in your deployment, make sure that the correct channel type is used in the updated channels.