Merging the Insurance and Finance repositories

Prior to 6.1, NexJ Contact supported separate repositories for Finance and Insurance clients. Now the single NexJ Contact repository supports both types of clients.

If you were using the Insurance repository prior to 6.1, you must merge your version 5.1 Insurance repository with version 6.1 NexJ Contact repository.

Note: You do not need to perform these steps if you were previously using the Finance repository.
To merge the Insurance repository into the latest NexJ Contact repository:
  1. Include new and customized Insurance artifacts in the latest NexJ Contact repository.
    1. Using NexJ Studio, open your current repository.
    2. In the Model view, select the Hide Base Elements option.
      Only customized and Insurance-only artifacts are now visible.
    3. To determine which artifacts are customized or Insurance-only, review all layers and tabs, such as the Classes tab in the Business Model layer.
      Note: Ensure that you review the Data Sources tab and Upgrade tabs in the Persistence layer.
    4. For artifacts that were newly created for your current repository, move them to the version 6.1 NexJ Contact repository.
    5. For artifacts that were customized from the base repository, use the NexJ Studio Compare With functionality to merge the current model with the target model.
  2. Using NexJ Studio, remove the Portfolio tab from the Contacts workspace.
    1. In the Presentation layer, on the Screens tab, open the Person screen.
    2. In the screen editor, remove the Portfolio tab from the screen.
    3. Save the changes and update the model.
  3. Publish the updated model.
  4. In the NexJ Admin Console, disable Finance-specific options.
    1. In the Personalization screen, click User Options.
    2. In the Users area, select System.
    3. Click the Select button.
    4. In the Select Options dialog, select and add Enable Financial Model and Enable Financial Accounts.
    5. In the Enabled column, clear the check boxes for Enable Financial Model and Enable Financial Accounts.
    6. Click OK to save the changes and close the Select Options dialog.
  5. In the NexJ Admin Console, disable Finance-specific fields.
    1. In the Filters screen, click Fields.
    2. In the Fields tab, find the Total Assets field in the Name column.
    3. In the Details area, click the Edit button.
    4. Clear the Active check box.
    5. Repeat the steps above for the Total AUM field.
    Information about total assets and total assets under management will no longer appear on the contact record.
  6. Restart NexJ Contact.
Your Insurance repository is now merged with Finance and upgraded to version 6.1.