Adding hierarchy role associations

You make a hierarchy role available to users in NexJ CRM by associating a role with a hierarchy.

Note: The HIERARCHYROLEENUM enumeration in the Enumerations page defines the roles that are available to you in the Entity Codes page. You can add additional roles to the enumeration if necessary.
To associate a role with a hierarchy:
  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Hierarchy Roles tab, click the Add button .
    The Add Entity Hierarchy Role dialog opens.
  3. In the Role field, select the role you want to enable.
  4. In the Hierarchy field, select the hierarchy you would like to associate with this role.
  5. Optional: In the Description field, enter a brief description of the role.
  6. Click OK.
    CAUTION: A role can only be entered once for each organizational entity type. Having two roles with the same Role and Hierarchy field values will give you an error when you try to save.
    The Add Entity Hierarchy Role dialog closes.
The hierarchy role is made available in NexJ CRM.