You can modify the roles that are available for client,
event, and opportunity coverage groups.
To add coverage roles to a coverage group:
Navigate to the Coverage page and select
the Coverage Roles tab.
Select the Client Coverage Roles,
Event Coverage Roles, or Opportunity
Coverage Roles subtab.
Click the Select button
Tip: To create new roles, you must add values to the
ROLEENUM enumeration.
The Select Role dialog
In the list on the left, select roles to add to the coverage
group, then click Add.
The roles are moved to the list on the right.
To restrict a role to only one user in a coverage group, select
the Unique check box beside a role.
For example, if you want allow users to be able to assign one
manager role and multiple advisor roles to a coverage group, then make
the manager role unique.
Note: When a role is unique, you can only assign one user to
that role.
Click OK.
The Select Role dialog
You have added coverage roles to a coverage group.