Updating schedule report class names

In NexJ CRM version 8.3, classes and attribute names for certain predefined schedule reports were renamed.

Note: This is a developer task and must be performed in NexJ Studio by a person with access to the model.
The following metaclasses were renamed in NexJ CRM version 8.3. If you are upgrading from NexJ CRM version 8.2 or earlier, and have customized or extended any of the classes in the following table, you will need to reflect the name changes in your customization:
Old class name New class name
ScheduleDayReportData ScheduleDayReportDataAct
ScheduleDayReportTimeSlot ScheduleDayReportData
In addition, the following attributes of those classes have also been updated:
Old attribute name New attribute name
ScheduleDayReportData.scheduleReportData ScheduleDayReportDataAct.acts
ScheduleDayReportTimeSlot.scheduleItem ScheduleDayReportData.act
ScheduleDayReportTimeSlot.timeSlot ScheduleDayReportData.reportData
Important: This change also affects any JasperReport files (JRXML) that reference these classes.