Creating new required data sources for version 8.8
If you are upgrading from NexJ Contact version 6.X, you must create three new data sources.
- AuditLogDatabase
- LockDatabase
- ObjectQueueDatabase
Before beginning this task, follow the instructions in Adding new connections for version 8.8 to define the new data source connections and new related SOA connections for your deployment.
After you define the data source connections for your deployment, you need to create the tables to store the information in the default relational database. In a production environment, use the Database Schema Tool in NexJ Studio to generate the SQL scripts to create the tables, then provide the scripts to database administrators who have appropriate database access.
In test or development environments, if you have the appropriate access, you might be able to use the Data Load Tool to issue the recreate command directly to the database.
To create new data sources for supporting new NexJ CRM functionality: