Converting dump files to Scheme dump scripts

In NexJ CRM version 8.2, .dump files were deprecated. Scheme dump scripts replace .dump files. Scheme dump scripts are more flexible than .dump files and increase developer velocity.

Note: This is a developer task and must be performed in NexJ Studio by a person with access to the model.

As part of the upgrade process, it is strongly recommended that you convert any existing project .dump files to Scheme dump scripts. A converter is provided in the file to assist with this process.

Note: To convert .dump files to Scheme dump scripts you require the file, which is provided by your NexJ representative.
To convert .dump files to Scheme dump scripts:
  1. Extract the file to a temporary folder.
  2. Copy the dump_exclusions.txt file from the /meta/libraries folder into the /meta/libraries/dumps folder in your project repository. If necessary, create the /meta/libraries/dumps destination folder.
  3. Copy the etc folder into your project root directory. Confirm that the unittestdump.scm file was copied into the /etc/scratchpads folder in your project repository.
  4. In your project repository, move the current UnitTest.dump file from the /meta/dumps/ folder to the /meta/libraries/dumps folder.
  5. Inspect the dump_exclusions.scm file that was added to the project in the /meta/libraries/dump folder. Each line in the file represents an item or class to reject from the Scheme dump script. Remove items that you want to keep in the extracted Scheme dump script or add items to you want to remove.
    Note: You may perform this step again later to fine-tune the exported Scheme dump script.
    The file contains three space-separated columns.
    The class that the rule applies to. Rules do not apply to subclasses.
    The column may contain simple wildcards, such as *<class> or <class>*, to apply a rule globally, provided the selected classes do not already have rules defined in the file. Add wildcard rules to the bottom of the file.
    A condition that is run against the matching class instances in the dump file to determine whether they should be excluded.
    For all items matching the above condition, cascades are a list of associations to remove with the instances.
  6. Modify the first code line in unittestdump.scm. Set the value of the dump:project-name variable to your project name.
  7. In NexJ Studio, open the Minimal Console.
    Note: You can open the console in any stable project. If you use the current project, you may need to recreate using the UnitTest.dump to have a stable server for starting the Minimal Console.
  8. Execute the unittestdump.scm file in the /etc/scratchpads/ folder.
  9. Start the extract by running the (dump:CONVERT-DUMP-TO-SCRIPT) command in the Minimal Console.
    A new file generates in the /meta/libraries/dumps folder. The file name format is seed_<dump:project-name>_data.scm, where dump:project-name is the project name that you provided in step 6. The generated file contains a serialized copy of all the extracted items from the UnitTest.dump file
  10. Edit the SysUpgrade.meta file, and in event getSeedData, change (seed-data) to the renamed function from step 9, which is named in the following format(seed_<dump:project-name>_data.
    Recreate commands will now use the new Scheme dump script.
  11. Move the UnitTest.dump and SampleData.dump files from the project meta folder into the /etc/dumps/ folder. If necessary, create the /etc/dumps/ destination folder.
  12. Test your changes by performing a recreate on the current project. The Dump URL field should be left empty.
    When the recreate is successful, the dump upgrade is complete.
  13. Execute all unit tests and ensure a full passage rate.
You have converted .dump files to Scheme dump scripts.