Starting NexJ Server on Linux

You can start NexJ Server using a shell file. Starting NexJ Server runs NexJ applications that are deployed on the server.
To start NexJ Server on Linux:
Open a terminal and run the from the SERVER_HOME\bin directory.
The file accepts the following options: -i [-dm] [-X] [-D] [NexJ Server options]
Note: NexJ Server options require a space between the option and option value. JVM options do not require a space. Additionaly, values that contain a space must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Where the following options are supported:

-d number
Enables remote debugging on the specified port number, for example, -d 7777.
-m number
Sets the heap size, for example, -m 1024M or -m 1G.
Specifies additional JVM options that can be passed to the JVM to overwrite batch file defaults. For example, use -Xss4096k to change the default thread stack size.
Specifies properties to pass through to the application. For example, use -Dnexj.ajp.port=8509 to set the AJP Port to 8509.

The start command accepts the following NexJ Server options.

-c url
Path to the node configuration file, for example, -c SERVER_HOME/modeld.conf.
-n name
Node name, for example, –n node1.
-o number
Port offset number, for example, –o 100.
-l dir
Path to the log file directory, for example, –l SERVER_HOME/log.
-C url
Path to the environment file, for example, -C SERVER_HOME/workspace/env/envFile.environment.
-P url
Path to the environment properties file, for example, -P SERVER_HOME/workspace/ If you want to issue the -P command, ensure that an environment file exists and has been specified using the -C command.
-M url
Path to the metadata directory, for example, -M SERVER_HOME/workspace/meta.
Note: You can also use the following command to view NexJ Server options.
./ -?
You have started NexJ Server.
To shut down the server, press CTRL + C in the command line.