Deployment-time configuration for NexJ Server

Tomcat connector properties for NexJ Server, such as web container thread pool size, can be set or modified at deploy time.
You can set the properties in two locations:
  • In the environment file for your deployment, using NexJ Studio. If you set the properties in the environment file, you will need to redeploy before the changes take effect.
  • In the modeld.conf file. The properties in the modeld.conf file override properties defined in the environment file. If you set the properties in the modeld.conf file, you will need to restart the server before the changes take effect.
The format for setting the properties depends on where and for which Tomcat connector you want to make the changes.
AJP Connector properties in the environment file
AJP Connector properties in the modeld.conf file
HTTP Connector properties in the environment file
HTTP Connector properties in the modeld.conf file
HTTP Connector properties for the push redirector in the environment file
HTTP Connector properties for the push redirector in the modeld.conf file

For example, to set the maximum number of request processing threads to be created by the AJP Connector, specify modeld.ajp.maxThreads="200" in the environment file using NexJ Studio. Otherwise, specify modeld.ajp.maxThreads=200 in the modeld.conf file.