Installing NexJ Server

You can install NexJ Server as an instance or as a server cluster.

Before you begin installing NexJ Server, ensure that Java JDK is installed on your machine and that the Java JDK installation directory is set as the system environment variable JAVA_HOME.

You must also acquire the correct JDBC driver for your database. Contact your NexJ representative or see the Release Notes document for your version of NexJ CRM for more information.

Note: If you are installing NexJ Server on Linux, you must install the Arial font, which is required by predefined reports. You must install the Arial.ttf font file for each JVM on the application server machine and then restart each JVM. For example, copy the font to the following location:

Alternatively, install the font system-wide. Consult your Linux documentation for the appropriate install location.

To install NexJ Server as a standalone instance or as a server cluster:
  1. In NexJ Studio, on the Deployment layer, in the Environment tab, open the environment file for the current deployment.
  2. In the Overview tab, ensure that Type is set to Generic.
  3. In the Deployment Location field, specify the folder directories for all the server nodes.
    For example, to install two NexJ Server nodes, specify \\projectdir1\sams,\\projectdir2\sams, or \\{projectdir1,projectdir2}\sams.
  4. If you are installing a NexJ Server cluster, in the Clustering/Session subtab, select the Distributed (Enable Clustering) check box.
  5. Save the updated environment file and click the Deploy Model button .
    The NexJ Server instance or cluster is installed in the directories that you specified.
  6. Copy the appropriate JDBC driver, such as jtds-1.2.2-7.jar or ojdbc6.jar, to the SERVER_HOME\deploy directory for each deploy location that you specified earlier in the Deployment Location field.
The NexJ Server instance or cluster is installed.