Problem: Invalid certificate error:
If you receive this error: " PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target)", perform the following steps:
- Log on to OWA using http://host/exchange/user.
- An invalid certificate message will be shown.
- Click on the Invalid Certificate button and press View Certificate.
- Go to the Details tab.
- Select Copy to File at the bottom. The Export wizard will appear.
- Select the first option, DER -encoded binary.
- Save to C:\.Important: The Certificate CN name must be the fully qualified domain name (i.e. server.domain.ext) of the Exchange server.
- Import the certificate that was saved in step 7 into the JRE
certificate keystore in
For WebSphere:%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server_name -file certificate.cer -keystore dir\cacerts -storepass changeit
%WAS_HOME%\java\jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server_name -file certificate.cer -keystore dir\cacerts -storepass changeit
Important: server_name for the -alias parameter can be any arbitrary name used to reference this certificate from the cacerts file. certificate.cer should be the full path to the certificate file. dir is %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts for JBoss and %WAS_HOME%\java\jre\lib\security\cacerts for Websphere.Debug the certificate handling by specifying the system property in the server Process Definition/JVM Custom Properties. - Verify the import was successful by running the following
keytool -list -alias server_name -keystore dir\cacerts -storepass changeit
- If using WebSphere, the certificate file must be added to websphere truststore using the WAS Admin Console.
- Restart the application server.