Configuring WebSphere Application Server

After you have installed WebSphere Application Server (WAS), you need to configure it to contain NexJ-specific files and settings.
Before configuring WAS with NexJ-specific files and settings, create the application servers or application and message queue server clusters.
Note: If you are installing WAS on Linux, you must install the Arial font, which is required by predefined reports. You must install the Arial.ttf font file for each JVM on the application server machine and then restart each JVM. For example, copy the font to the following location:

Alternatively, install the font system-wide. Consult your Linux documentation for the appropriate install location.

To configure WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Copy the following files from the NEXJ_PLUGIN directory to the WAS_ROOT directory.
    File to copy Copy to directory




    Appropriate JDBC driver, such as jtds-1.2.2-7.jar or ojdbc6.jar


    If you are using the NexJ default relational database as the user registry, also copy the JDBC driver to WAS_ROOT\lib\ext.

    Note: If you are configuring nexj-websphere.jar in WebSphere as a shared library instead of copying it to the WAS_ROOT\lib\ext folder, you should configure WebSphere as follows:
    1. In WebSphere, configure the shared library settings by expanding Environment and selecting Shared Libraries.
    2. Associate the shared library with the server by expanding Servers and selecting Application Servers. Select Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Class loader. If a class loader does not exist, create one and under Additional Properties click on Shared library references.
    3. Configure the Resource Adapter settings by selecting Applications > All applications > NexJ Dynamic Resource Adapter > Additional Properties > Resource Adapter. Configure the jar files in Shared Libraries under Class path.
    4. Clean all of the transaction logs for the server used to run your application.
    5. Start the server.
  2. Copy the following files from the NEXJ_PLUGIN directory to the JAVA_HOME directory.
    File to copy Copy to directory
    NEXJ_PLUGIN\lib\platform\*.dll WAS_ROOT\java\jre\bin
  3. For each WAS profile on which NexJ CRM is deployed (including the deployment manager for clustered environments), edit the WAS_ROOT\profiles\profile\properties\server.policy file to add the following:
    // NexJ classes
    grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/nexj/lib/-" {
    grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/lib/ext/nexj-websphere.jar" {
  4. Start the deployment manager or the server.
    • For a clustered configuration, start the deployment manager.
    • For a stand-alone configuration, start WAS.
  5. Optional: Set up password encryption on WAS.
  6. Update the WAS environment configuration.
  7. Optional: If outbound SSL SMTP or HTTP sessions are used (for example, for Exchange synchronization), and if the servers do not use authoritative certificates, import the SSL server certificates as DER encoded binary X.509 into the WAS_ROOT\java\jre\lib\security\cacerts directory.
    Warning: This configuration is not recommended for production deployments.
    Issue the following command:
    WAS_ROOT\java\jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts
            -alias server -file certificate.cer -keystore
            WAS_ROOT\java\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass
    The server parameter must be unique in the keystore and it should be the name of the server which is authenticated by the certificate.
    Tip: To debug certificate handling, use the WAS administrative console to change the value of the Java virtual machine (JVM) custom property for the server to true. To access the JVM custom properties page, navigate to Java and process management > Process definition > Java virtual machine > Custom properties.
After these steps have been completed, your WebSphere Application Server installation has been configured.
You will now need to update the environment for your deployment with information about your WAS servers and connections.