Push redirector and push server configuration properties

You configure push redirector properties and the push type for the push server in the server or environment file.

You set the properties in the server or environment file editor, in the Push Notification subtab of the Overview tab in NexJ Studio.

The following two properties are required:

  • Push Redirector URL property
  • Push Server URLs property
    Note: The Push Server URLs property is not required when the push server and push redirector are running in the same NexJ Server instance. The push redirector will automatically connect to all push servers in the cluster.

In addition, you need to do one of the following:

  • Specify the Push User and Push Password properties.
  • Specify the Push Certificate and Push Password properties.
  • Configure SPNEGO authentication for the push redirector.

The properties for configuring the push redirector in the Push Notification subtab are as follows with their environment file attribute names in parentheses:

Push Redirector URL (pushRedirectorURL)
Specifies the host, port, and context path of the push redirector using the following format:
For example:
You must specify the host. The port and context path are optional. If the port or context path are not specified, the default values are used. The default port is 5443 if SSL is enabled and 5080 if SSL is not enabled. The default context path is /nexj/pushRedirect.

This property is required for using the push redirector.

Push Server URLs (pushServerURLs)
Specifies the list of full paths to each instance of the push server running on each node of the application cluster in the following format:
http[s]://host:port/path [...]

Multiple URLs are separated with a space, for example:

http://app1.local:8080/nexj/push http://app2.local:8080/nexj/push
The context path must be set to match the HTTP URL as defined for the push servers that the push redirector will connect to.

This property is required for using push redirection.

Push Timeout (pushTimeout)
Specifies the amount of time an idle Comet connection between the client and push redirector is considered to be timed out, in milliseconds. If the push redirector fails to respond to a ping after the specified time, the client will revert to periodic polling. If not specified, the default value of 5 minutes is used.
Push User (pushUser)
Specifies the user that authenticates with the NexJ application when connecting to the push server.
If the property is not specified, you must either specify the Push Certificate property or configure the push redirector for SPNEGO authentication.
To be authorized by the push server, the push user must be assigned the PushRedirect privilege in NexJ Admin Console. The NexJ System Administrator user account, the nexjsa user, has this privilege by default.
Push Password (pushPassword)
Specifies the password of the push user when used with the Push User property or the keystore password when used with the Push Certificate property.
The Push Password property must be configured if either the Push User or Push Certificate properties are configured.
Push Certificate (pushCertificate)
Specifies the push certificate that is used for client certificate authentication, which is also known as two-way SSL or mutual authentication, to the push server. The property contains a Base64-encoded keystore that has a private key and certificate.

The user specified in the CN field of the certificate must be able to authenticate with the NexJ application when connecting to the push server.

If you choose not to configure the Push Certificate property, you must configure the Push User property or configure the push redirector for SPNEGO authentication.

See Configuring SPNEGO authentication with the push redirector for more information on setting up SPNEGO authentication with the push redirector.

Push Trust (pushTrust)
Specifies the push server SSL certificate that the push redirector should trust when making an initial connection to the push server with SSL enabled. This property is optional. If the certificate is self-signed, it must also be added to the truststore of the push redirector.
See Configuring SSL for the push redirector for more information on setting up SSL between the push redirector and the push server. Also see Configuring SSL between the push redirector and clients for more information on setting up SSL between the push redirector and end users.
Push Disconnect Delay (pushDisconnectDelay)
Specifies, in milliseconds, the interval with which client connections are dropped when the push redirector loses connectivity with the push server. This property is optional. If it is not specified, the default value of 50 milliseconds is used.
In addition to the push redirector properties, a push server property is also available in the Push Notification subtab:
Push Type (pushType)
Specifies the Comet mode that the NexJ Application uses for push notifications. Available push types are data streaming, long polling, and none (client polling). If the NexJ application encounters an issue with the specified mode, fall back occurs from data streaming to long polling to client polling.
See Push notification types for information on push notification types.