Deployment Tool overview

Dynamic metadata deployment is performed in NexJ Studio with the Deployment Tool.

The Deployment Tool contains a number of commands:

Uploads a model to the server.
Switches the active deployment to an existing model on the server by specifying an ID. To activate the original metadata in the deployed .ear file, select the Static Deployment option. If the server is not running, select the Force Update to Database option to directly update the database to set the active deployment.
Lists the deployments that have been added to the server with the upload command. The ID, creation time, and description of each deployment is displayed in the console.
Lists the individual models available on the server, including all base and mixin models that are contained within a deployed model. The ID, name, version, checksum, and creation time of each model is displayed in the console.
Removes a single deployment, specified by ID. To remove associated models with the specified deployment that are no longer in use, select the Remove Associated Models option.
Removes a single model, specified by ID.
Clones a single deployment, specified by ID.