Configuring the Eclipse startup parameters

You will need to configure the Eclipse startup parameters to ensure that NexJ Studio and the JasperReports Server plug-in function successfully.
To configure the Eclipse startup parameters:
  1. Configure the eclipse.ini file according to your version of NexJ Customer Relationship Management:
    NexJ CRM version 8.2 or later
    The eclipse.ini file should specify a Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE 7) using the following parameter:
    -vm C:/java/jdk1.7.0_75/jre/bin/server
    NexJ CRM version 7.2
    The eclipse.ini file should specify a JRE 6 using the following parameter:
    -vm C:/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/bin/server
  2. Ensure the eclipse.ini file allocates at least 2 GB of heap space using the following parameter:
  3. The eclipse shortcut should specify -clean as follows:
    C:\java\eclipse-4.5.1_x64\eclipse.exe -clean -data %WS%
The Eclipse startup parameters are updated.
Next, create the required database for the JasperReports Server application.