Sales and marketing classification
You can classify leads by the marketing segment to
which they belong and to the sales concept with which they are most closely
NexJ CRM includes a number of default marketing segments and sales concepts that you can use to classify your leads before and after you import them into the system. Your organization may also include additional classifications for each of these areas.
Market segments
You can associate leads with the
following market segments:
- Starting Out
- Leads in this segment are just getting into the market. They are typically just out of post-secondary education, or buying their first home.
- Pre-Retirement
- Leads in this segment are established in the workforce.
- Retirement
- Leads in this segment are retired or semi-retired.
Sales concepts
You can associate leads with the
following sales concepts:
- First-Time Home Buyer
- Typically associated with leads in the Starting Out market segment, this concept focuses on products that pertain to people purchasing their first home.
- Mortgage Needs
- Typically associated with leads in the Pre-Retirement market segment, this concept focuses on products that pertain to the securing, negotiation, and renegotiation of mortgages.
- Retirement Income
- Typically associated with leads in the Pre-Retirement market segment, this concept focuses on products to help people plan and prepare for retirement.
- Survivor Needs
- Typically associated with leads in the Pre-Retirement and Retirement market segments, this concept focuses on products to provide benefits to surviving relatives.
- Wealth Transfer Planning
- Typically associated with leads in the Retirement market segment, this concept focuses on products to transfer funds between accounts or parties in order to maximize benefit.