Use the Import Data tool in the
Leads workspace to import lead data from an import
package or from a CSV file into NexJ CRM.
To import a lead package:
Navigate to the Leads workspace and click
the Options button
in the leads panel.
Select Import Data.
The Import Leads dialog opens,
allowing you to specify the details of the import.
In the Import Leads dialog, specify the
details of the import:
In the Select the file to load field,
use the Browse button to specify the CSV or ZIP file that contains
the data you want to import.
From the drop-down menu, specify the source type of the
Provide a name for the set of leads.
This name will appear in reports on the progress of the
import, and will be used to differentiate this import from other
imports you might be working on at the same time.
Using the selection tool, specify the person to whom the
leads should be assigned.
By default, the package will be imported for you.
Depending on your security settings, this value might limit which
existing contacts are used for matching with imported leads. Only
existing contacts to which the user has access will be used for
If you want to be notified when the import is complete,
ensure that the Notify me when leads have been
processed option is selected. If you do not want to be
notified, clear the option.
Click OK.
The dialog closes and the data is transferred into a queue for
import. You will receive a notification when the import is
If the import fails, click the View
button on the notification dialog to review the error log. Only the first
500 errors are included in the log. Correct these errors and import the
package again.
If you want to view the status of this, or any other
import, click the Options button
and select View
Imports. The Import Processes dialog
displays a list of all import jobs.