Completing the import

Complete the import to indicate that you have finished all work on the import package.
Warning: Completing an import ends the import process. Any unprocessed records in the import are discarded. This action cannot be undone.

To complete the review and produce an import completion report:

  1. Click Complete Import.
    If the import has any unprocessed records, the Complete Import dialog opens.
  2. To confirm that unprocessed records should be discarded, click Yes.
  3. Wait while the import is processed in the background. Do not continue until you receive a notification indicating that processing has completed.
After the import completes, the contact records become available in the system, and can be accessed like any other contact records.
After completing the contact import, you can generate an Import Completion report, which contains details such as import package name, the generation date, and the total number of processed contacts by merge action. You can also include additional information when you request the report.