Type to start searching...


caption : CaptionType

String indentifier for caption display in the UI.

Valid values based on“string”.
80 (maxLength)

Caption can be a maximum of 80 characters long.

case : string

A space separated list of metaclass names, primitive values or 'null' used to drive polymorphic display.

The case part of a polymorphic form switch. This is conceptually similar to a JAVA switch, but for UI. The value property of a parent GroupLayout contains the expression that the cases are evaluated against. If this resolves to a non-primitive, the cases are compared against the non-primitive's class type. Note: The class, all subclasses, and the 'null' case should be handled. If it resolves to a primitive, the cases are compared directly with the value. Note: All possible values and the 'null' case should be handled. That being said Enumerated values and booleans are most appropriate. All possible values must be covered by the cases - there is no 'else' case. Within the GroupLayout the cases are checked from left to right. The first Layout to match will be the one to display.

            Non-primitive case: The parent Grouplayout value property is set to EntityList.  This is
            a View Path to the the EntityList form.  There are three child Layouts with cases of
            1. null 2. Person UserPerson 3. Company.  The currently selected instance in the model of
            the EntityList form will determine which Layout will display.  If an instance of Company
            is selected in the EntityList then Layout 3 displays.
            Primitive case: The parent GroupLayout value property is set to EntityList isPerson.
            This is a View Path to the EntityList form and an Association Path to the isPerson attribute.
            There again are three child Layouts with cases of 1. null 2. #t 3. #f.  As
            we move through the EntityList the Layouts will dynamically display based on the values in case.

GroupLayout'value and the Person.screen detail GroupLayout
closeIcon : string

Close icon provides a means of visual recognition to close a group layout tab.

collection : string

If blank, the GroupLayout displays chidren layouts configured in the metadata. Otherwise, the GroupLayout will be displaying layouts from the collection.

An expression that specifies that a collection model must be set on the control.

            (@) - all instances of the associated class for Forms and form controls.
            (@@ ClassName) - all instances of the class specified by ClassName
            (ControlName1 assoc1 ... assocN) ... (ControlNameM assoc1 ... assocX) - all instances filtered by the parent instances.
            (@ assoc1 ... assocN) - variant of above example. All instances relative to the Form model.

collectionCaption : identifierList

Caption bind for group tab caption. Must be an attribute of the GroupLayout's collection.

Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

collectionIcon : identifierList

Bind for group tab icon. Must be an attribute of the GroupLayout's collection.

Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

collectionLazy : boolean

Valid when child collection. Specifies whether a separate read request will be generated.

If true a separate read request will be generated. Otherwise, a subcollection request will be appended to the parent read query.
collectionName : identifierList

Caption bind for group tab view name. Must be an attribute of the GroupLayout's collection.

Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

collectionOrderBy : string

Optional order by clause to be added to the GroupLayout collection read query: ((attr1 . asc1) ... (attrN . ascN)).

List of attributes or attribute and boolean pairs to indicate ascending (true) or descending (false).

            ((name . #t) (company . #f))

collectionQuery : string

List of additional attributes to include in collection read query.

collectionWhere : string

Optional clause to be added to collection read query.

commitOnTabChange : boolean

Fire a sysSave UIEvent for every tab change.

control : identifier

The control type this should be rendered with.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

delete : string

Custom delete event name.

deletePrompt : string

Delete prompt string indentifier. Valid if promptOnDelete is true.

The string indentifier may accept the Class name, and instance name args.
dynamicSize : boolean

True to make layout resize to visible layout size. False to apply maximum layout size.

enabled : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant returning boolean to set enablement.

factory : string

Custom factory event name.

horizontalMargin : int

Horizontal space from exterior elements. Must be an integer.

horizontalSpacing : int

Horizontal space from interior elements. Must be an integer.

icon : string

Icon provides a means of visual recognition for the layout.

locale : string

The locale for the GroupLayout. Must be a two letter abbreviation.


            en, fr, de for English, French, and Dutch respectively

menu : identifier

Menu object contributing to the Application menu bar. Must refer to an existing menu defined in the parent.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

name : uiIdentifier

Uniquely indentifies the GroupLayout.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter. Case and length are not restricted. Letters and numbers are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

overflow : boolean

Sets content overflow behavior for Rich web client.

promptOnDelete : boolean

Prompt the user before deleting an item.

read : string

Custom read event. [<class>]'<event> <arg1> ... <argN>

Specification: [<class>]'<event> <arg1> ... <argN>

<class> is an optional class symbol. When omitted ActiveNode's class is used. <event> is a read event symbol. <arg#> is an event argument value which can be either a constant or a scheme expression evaluating to a constant at run-time on the client, using special local variables provided by the framework: this (=controller), :node (=active node), :attributes, :where, :orderBy, :count, :offset, :xlock, or a UI initializer variable.

If arguments are not specified, a default list is supplied by the framework: :attributes :where :orderBy :count :offset :xlock


a) Generate a request to 'readList event with default arguments: readList

b) Generate request to readList event with attributes, and orderBy argument values supplied by the framework. readList :attributes :orderBy

c) Generate request to Contact'readDetail with attributes supplied by the framework, and the contact argument calculated using (current-contact) client library function. Contact'readDetail :attributes (current-contact this :node)

In a library: (define (current-contact controller node) ... )

d) Generate request to 'read event with a constant attribute list: read '(lastName firstName) :where :orderBy :count :offset :xlock

simple : boolean

Deprecated. Do not use.

style : string

Specifies the style for the layout.

tabIndex : long

The index number of the tabbable control. Must be a long integer.

tabLeftMargin : int

The amount of space added to the left of group layout tabs.

toolbar : identifier

Menu object contributing to the Application toolbar. Must refer to an existing menu defined in the parent.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

tooltip : string

String indentifier to represent the tooltip associated with the layout.

tree : identifierList

TODO: comment attribute tree

Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

treeNodes : identifierList

TODO: comment attribute treeNodes

Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

type : GroupLayoutKind

Specifies display location of tabs.

Valid values based on“string”.

Tabs will appear at the top of the layout.


Tabs will appear at the bottom of the layout.


Tabs will appear on the left side of the layout. Verticle text may be specified when using this value.


Tabs will appear on the right side of the layout. Verticle text may be specified when using this value.


Tabs will appear on the bottom side of the layout. Text will be rendered horizontally


Tabs will appear on the left side of the layout. Text will be rendered horizontally

update : string

Custom update event name.

value : string

A View Path followed by an optional Association Path used to drive polymorphic display.

The expression part of a polymorphic form switch. This is conceptually similar to a JAVA switch, but for UI. The value property contains the expression that the cases are evaluated against. If this resolves to a non-primitive, the cases are compared against the non-primitive's class type. Note: The class, all subclasses, and the 'null' case should be handled. If this resolves to a primitive, the cases are compared directly with the value. Note: All possible values and the 'null' case should be handled. That being said Enumerated values and booleans are most appropriate. Within the GroupLayout the cases are checked from left to right. The first Layout to match will be the one to display. If the GroupLayout is on a Form and the value is (@), the association is defaulted to the current instance of the form's underlying model.

            See the GroupLayout's case property for an example.

GroupLayout'case and the Person.screen detail GroupLayout
verticalMargin : int

Vertical space from exterior elements. Must be an integer.

verticalSpacing : int

Vertical space from interior elements. Must be an integer.

verticalText : boolean

Specifies if text is vertical. Applies only if 'type' attribute is LEFT or RIGHT.

visible : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant returning boolean to set visibility.
