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Script : DataAction

The script has the following variables available: this, type, model, bind, old, locator.


this: MDAController
   Detailed properties of the controller are available in NexJ Studio's code
   completion by pressing CTRL-Space.

   The Type parameter can be one of the following symbols:
      1. "changed" - when the instance attribute value changes.
      2. "added" - when the instance is added to the collection.
      3. "removed" - when an instance is removed from a collection.

   The model which fired the data event. The model is one of the Instance, Collection, of ActiveNode models.

   The data bind to retrieve, or set values on the model.
   The data bind supports the following methods:
      (bind'getValue model) - the method returns the value from the given model
      (bind'setValue model value) - the method sets a value on the given model.
      (bind'canSetValue model) - the method returns true if it is updatable for the model. False otherwise.

   It is an auxillary parameter for determining what kind of model is passed in.
   The locator can be one of the following symbols.

      - There is a current index change on a Collection Model. The model passed in is a Collection Model. The bind
      returns an integer value corresponding to the current index.

      - There is a change of an active model on an ActiveNode Model. The model passed in is an ActiveNode Model. The bind
      returns the active Collection Model.

      - There is a change of selection on an ActiveNode Model. The model passed in is an ActiveNode Model. The bind
      returns the currently selected Instance Model.

      - There is a change of an attribute value on an Instance Model. The model passed in is an Instance Model. The bind
      returns the current value.

      - There is a change in the state of a Collection Model. The model passed in is a Collection Model.

      - There is a change in the index in the Union Model. This is a system feature.

language : schemeLanguageType

The scripting language for this element.

The language defaults to scheme.
Valid values based on“languageType”.

scheme scripting language
