Type to start searching...
association : identifierListStar
The name of an attribute on, or an association path into, the layout's underlying model.
The association refers to either a collection or an instance and in each case the DataAction will have slight variations in behavior.Valid values based on“token”. | |
(\*|(:?[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*(:[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*)*\s+)*(:?[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*(:[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*)*)?(\s+\*)?) |
condition : code
A script expression that must evaluate to true for the action to fire.
The expression is evaluated after other checks of the action have passed e.g. name/source... If the expression returns true, the action's script is executed. The condition uses the same variables and context available in thier script element, which are different for UIActions, DataActions, and Exception Actions. DataActions have bind, locator, bind, old, this (MDAController), and type. UIActions have event, name parameter, source, and this (MDAController). For documentation on these variables, such as locator, see the script element's documentation.
(instance? (getCurrentAct) 'ActivityPlan)
(null? parameter)
(= locator 'selection)
(not (null? (@ view collectionModel selection)))
Valid values based on“string”. | |
constant : boolean
Tells the system whether the script behind the DataAction attempts to modify the state of any model.
The state of a model can include setting attribute values, or current indexes on collections. Since it is difficult for the system to derive this information by analyzing the script, the application developer must specify this flag.
If the value is set to false, the DataAction will not be invoked during events which the system originates, such as modifying the models with the data retrieved from the server. Rather, it will only be invoked when the model state change is caused by the user's action such as typing.
language : schemeLanguageType
Valid values based on“languageType”. | |
scheme |
scheme scripting language |
system : boolean
If the system property is set to True, the DataAction will listen to the Client Model.
The DataAction will not listen to the layout's collection or instance model if set to false. The main Client Model you would care about listening for changes is on the activeScreen.Sequence of:
Script [1..1] - The script has the following variables available: this, type, model, bind, old, locator.