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An optional workspace portlet that displays a list of items. Clicking on the list will typically navigate to a detail page.

When navigating from a list item, the local context is set to that item and a detail page is displayed. The page.case property may be used to select the appropriate page to display for the item.
name : uiIdentifier

The portlet reference name.

The name should follow development naming standards.
Note: Note that the name properties of the portlet refs should be unique within the page. The reason for this is to allow automated testing tools to find the right location.
Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter. Case and length are not restricted. Letters and numbers are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

portlet : string

The referenced portlet name.

The portlet reference may be one of:

- MDA portlet name. e.g. portlet="training:EntityDetail"
- AFL module name containing “/” e.g. portlet=“app/radio” (only valid from Workspaces)
- URL to a remote portlet. e.g. portlet="http://www.myserver.com/myApp.html" (only valid
  from Workspaces)

Note: For remote portlets, the following syntax is supported.

- root:/ - prefix for URL, provides the current server context
    e.g. root:/myApp.html
- ${<contextVar>} - querystring parameter for context variable values
    e.g. root:/myApp.html?EntityId=${EntityId}
- ${=<contextVar>} - convenient shorthand for the previous syntax.
    e.g. root:/myApp.html?${=EntityId}

- $ - querystring parameter to set background to transparent
    e.g. http://www.myserver.com/myApp.html?${=EntityId}&$
- $=max - instructs the AFL-based portlets that they should maximize the IFRAME area.


the Entity Navigator

  • Workspace - Workspaces organizes portlets by function into pages and tabs. e.g. Contacts, Opportunities, ...