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Workspaces organizes portlets by function into pages and tabs. e.g. Contacts, Opportunities, ...


Portals declare which workspaces make up an application through their WorkspaceRef properties. The Navigation Drawer lists workspaces, with their icon and caption, based on their latent property being set to false. When activated, a workspace displays its content in the workspace area.

A workspace has an optional navigator portlet and a collection of pages. From a navigator the appropriate page will display based on the type of item selected in the list and the page's case property.

augment : uiIdentifier

Name of a workspace to augment. Pages, Tabs with the same names are merged.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter. Case and length are not restricted. Letters and numbers are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

caption : string

The caption displays in the Application Toolbar. It also may display in the Navigator Drawer.

This should be a string id for internationalization.
icon : string

The icon displays in the Navigator Drawer if the workspace is listed there.

This is of the form icon:<icon name or id>.
latent : boolean

If not set or false, the workspace will be listed in the Navigator Drawer.

When true the workspace is not listed in the Navigator Drawer but may be used in multi-level navigation.
  • Sequence of:

    • Navigator [0..1] - An optional workspace portlet that displays a list of items. Clicking on the list will typically navigate to a detail page.

    • Page [0..*] - Workspaces contain one or more pages that arrange portlets into meaningful functional groups.


<Workspace caption="IDS_CONTACTS" icon="icon:account_circle">
   <Navigator name="refEntityNavigator" portlet="mda:EntityNavigator"/>
   <Page name="ContactDetail">
      <Banner name="refPersonBanner" portlet="mda:EntityDashboard"/>
      <Tab name="tabPersonDetail" caption="IDS_DETAIL" type="grid" layout="cols:3 fluid:true">
         <PortletRef name="refPersonBio" portlet="mda:EntityBio"/>
         <PortletRef name="refPersonAddresses" portlet="mda:EntityAddresses"/>
         <PortletRef name="refPersonCommunications" portlet="mda:EntityCommunications"/>