New features

The following new features have been added to this release of NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office.

Version 4.4.7

Coordinated filtering of RepCodes and splits

The configuration options of the File With functionality have been expanded to allow the following behavior for clients who use RepCodes and splits to filter the values available in the For field.

If you filter your contact list by repcode and split in NexJ CRM, then when you use the File With function in NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office, the For field selection dialog will open with the RepCode and Split fields already populated with the same values that you used in your NexJ CRM search.

This feature provides a significant performance improvement for clients using RepCodes and splits to classify and filter their contact lists. Configure this feature using the following registry keys:
  • RestrictEntitySearchByRepCode
  • RestrictEntitySearchBySplitRepCode
  • RepCodeName
  • PrepopulateRepCodeInFilter
  • RepCodeFilterRequired

Version 4.4.6

Windows 10 support
NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office now supports the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.
Restricting entity search by user entitlement

When a user is saving an email to NexJ CRM or creating a follow-up task, they can now restrict the contacts, companies, or households that are displayed in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog based on a rep code or a split rep code. When a user specifies a rep code in the new Filter field in the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog, only the contacts, companies, or households associated with that rep code or split rep code are displayed.

Support for this functionality is enabled by the RestrictEntitySearchByRepCode or RestrictEntitySearchBySplitRepCode registry keys.

Filtering opportunity search
When a user is saving an email to NexJ CRM or creating a follow-up task and wants to add a related opportunity, they can now filter the opportunities that can be selected from the Opportunities dialog to quickly find the desired ones. Users can filter opportunities by text in the opportunity description, opportunity stage, or by using a predefined filter.

Version 4.4.3

Controlling the visibility of related items

You can now control which opportunities, campaigns, events, funds, and service requests are visible in the Related section of the Save Email to NexJ CRM dialog.

The following new registry keys have been added:
  • AdditionalOpportunityWhereClause
  • AdditionalCampaignWhereClause
  • AdditionalEventWhereClause
  • AdditionalFundsWhereClause
  • AdditionalServiceRequestWhereClause

You can use Scheme code in these fields to customize the visibility of the items related to the field. For example, to set the opportunities field to display only those opportunities readable by the user, enter (@ readable)|true in the AdditionalOpportunityWhereClause registry key.

Associating NexJ Add-In with the correct version of NexJ CRM

To avoid unexpected interactions between incompatible versions of NexJ Add-In and NexJ CRM, a new registry key has been introduced. Set DetectApplicationVersion to 1 to ensure compatibility between NexJ Add-In and your version of NexJ CRM.

Work with your NexJ service representative to ensure you are using this setting correctly.

Support for this functionality is only available in the following versions of NexJ CRM:
  • and any later releases
  • 8.2.1.X
  • 8.3.1.X
  • and any later hotfixes
  • and any later hotfixes or service packs

If this functionality is not supported in your version of NexJ CRM, continue using the UseRubyModel and UseJadeModel registry keys, in consultation with your NexJ service representative.

Version 4.4.1

Improved ability to specify security for email messages saved to NexJ CRM

Users can now set the security level for an email message before it gets saved from Microsoft Outlook to NexJ CRM. In addition to making an email message accessible to all users, email messages may be saved to NexJ CRM with access limited to a list of individuals or with access limited to just the person saving the email message. The security options available in NexJ Add-In synchronize with the security options in NexJ CRM.

Support for this functionality is enabled by the ShowSecurityDialog registry key.

If the security model for NexJ CRM is customized, you may need to contact your NexJ representative to ensure that it is configured appropriately to interact with the NexJ Add-In.

Registry key added for compatibility with NexJ CRM 8.0 or later
A new registry key, UseRubyModel, has been added to enable NexJ Add-In to work properly with the updated model used by NexJ CRM. These changes are related to associating tickers with email messages and tasks.

Version 4.4.0

Ability to track email activities as touches in NexJ CRM

In service level management, touch types represent a form of communication or interaction with a contact. If your administrator has enabled this functionality, you can now select a touch type when you save an email to NexJ CRM using the File With or Send & File With functionality. The corresponding email touches are tracked in the NexJ CRM Service Level Management dashboard.

This functionality is enabled by the ShowSLMTouchTypes registry key.

Ability to add an unrecognized email address to an existing NexJ CRM contact

If there are any unrecognized email addresses in an email message and if this functionality has been enabled by the application administrator, the Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog may appear when saving the email message to NexJ CRM. You can now use this dialog to associate the unrecognized email address with an existing contact in NexJ CRM, instead of creating a new contact.

Support for this functionality is enabled by the EmailMergeEnabled registry key.

Ability to specify security for email messages

To limit who can access email activities in NexJ CRM, you can now specify the security for an individual email saved to NexJ CRM, as well as the default security for all incoming and outgoing emails saved to NexJ CRM.

Support for this functionality is enabled by the ShowSecurityDialog registry key.

Support for NexJ Add-In functionality from the Reading Pane

Microsoft Outlook 2013 introduced inline reply functionality, enabling users to compose replies and forward messages from the Reading Pane. The Microsoft Outlook Message ribbon now contains the NexJ CRM group, which enables you to use NexJ Add-In functionality while replying or forwarding a message from the Reading Pane.

Version 4.3.2

Ability to specify an existing company when adding a contact to NexJ CRM

In the Select contacts to add to NexJ Contact dialog, which appears when you are using the Save, File With, Create Follow-Up, or View Contact functionality, you can associate an existing company with the contact you are adding to NexJ CRM.

Support for specifying the company, which can be either optional or required, is enabled by using ShowCompanyInAddContact and RequireCompanyInAddContact registry keys.

Support for email classification

If you add a classification to an email in Microsoft Outlook, the email classification is now reflected in NexJ CRM. In NexJ CRM, the email classification is displayed in the email activity log in the contact's journal.

Support for email classification is enabled by using the UseEmailClassification registry key.

Version 4.3.0

Support for Microsoft Office 2016
NexJ Add-In can now be used with Microsoft Office 2016.

Version 4.2.1

Registry key added to enable localization of "Opportunity" string.
The string "Opportunity" can now be changed and localized using the OpportunityName registry key.
Registry key added to enable rep code security support
Support for rep code security can now be enabled using the HierarchicalSecurityEnabled registry key.
Registry key added to control prepopulation of contacts
When saving an email to NexJ CRM, you can now use the PrepopulateContactsInForField registry key to control whether or not the For field is prepopulated with the contact, household, and company information associated with the email address.
Registry key added to specify external model for processing of emails
You can now use the new ExternalAddinSaveMethod registry key in association with the ExternalAddinProgId key to specify both an external add-in to process emails and the specific method to use within that add-in.

Version 4.2.0

Capital markets functionality added
The NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office can now be enabled to work with sectors and tickers when NexJ CRM is configured for capital markets. The following registry keys have been added to help configure and use this functionality:
  • UseCapitalMarkets
  • AdditionalSectorWhereClause
  • AdditionalTicketWhereClause
Ability to save attachments to follow-up tasks
You can now configure the NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office so that email attachments are automatically saved to follow-up tasks on creation. This can be configured independently of whether the original email will also be saved to the task. The SaveAttachmentsWithFollowUp registry key has been added to control this functionality.
Registry key added for compatibility with NexJ CRM version 7.x
A new registry key, UseJadeModel, has been added to enable NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office to work properly with the updated products and funds model used by NexJ CRM.
Ability to associate emails and follow-up tasks with progressed opportunities
The ability to associate emails and follow-up tasks with both parent and progressed opportunities has been added. Previously, emails and follow-up tasks could be associated only with parent opportunities.