Home Forums Data Migration Runbook via sql

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    • #11873
      Neil Gildayngilday

      How can I debug whether these are working or not?

      I get 1 row executed.

      But DM tables do not get updated.

      —- DM Run Script —-
      exec nexj.dbo.DM_START N’LoadUser’, ‘111’;
      exec nexj.dbo.DM_START N’LoadCompany’, ‘111’;
      exec nexj.dbo.DM_START N’LoadContact’, ‘111’;
      exec nexj.dbo.DM_START N’LoadTelcom’, ‘111’;
      exec nexj.dbo.DM_START N’LoadAddress’, ‘111’;

    • #11914
      David McAnuffDavid McAnuff

      There are a number of options for monitoring a process as outlined in the operation manual sections:

      1. Monitor Request, shows how to monitor by query
      2. Monitor Load, to monitor using the Admin Console
      3. ETL Tool, monitor by stored procedure


      As per the operation document the DM_START stored procedure takes two arguments the runbook name and the batchId.   Similar to batchbroker, DM_Start requires a valid runbook name.  The five occurrence provided in your example are not valid runbook names.  Please refer to the operation manual or specification document for the list of valid runbook names.

    • #11922
      Neil Gildayngilday

      Thanks. Forgot the word Runbook.

      Will test again.



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