Home Forums Presentation Controls Custom UI Controls


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    • #9611
      Ryan HerbeckRyan Herbeck

      Is there any documentation for building/customizing custom UI controls? I need to customize an existing out-of-box control (OpportunityCoverageUserPersonPicker.control), but there does not seem to be any GUI or documentation on what any of the properties do.

      More specifically, I am trying to make the select popup of OpportunityCoverageUserPersonPicker.control (CoverageUserCustomPicker.screen) launch with a specific where clause, but no properties I have tried work (I have tried selectPopupWhere and selectPopupSearchWhere, not knowing if either of these properties are even valid due to lack of documentation handy).

    • #9663
      Clayton ChowClayton Chow

      Hi Ryan.

      The below parameter can be used to restrict the read of the controller.

      <searchWhere value=”(= (@ allowNew) #t)”/>


      I’ll provide your feedback to the documentation team and request to have the “controls” to be more user friendly in Studio.



      • #9700
        Ryan HerbeckRyan Herbeck

        I found that adding the searchWhere parameter only applies a filter to the typeahead feature on the custom picker control and does not apply the filter to the select popup screen launched from the custom picker control. The select popup is what I need to have the filter.

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