Home Forums Presentation Styles Adding a Horizontal Scroll Bar to a Grid

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    • #7452
      Ryan HerbeckRyan Herbeck

      For a Grid that has numerous columns, is there a way to add a scroll bar so that if all columns are visible the user can scroll horizontally to see ones that are off screen?

    • #7482
      Ed ShawEd Shaw

      Based on your model, the current UI rendering engine sizes Grids according to height and width properties.  The renderer does not support horizontal scrolling in Grids.  Columns within the grids have numerous properties to determine initial positioning, width, etc. and also if the columns are resizable.  This allows users to adjust the column sized manually to see more or less information.  If there is more than can easily be displayed by a set of columns in the available space, you can use a Repeater control for the row.  This lets you to have multiple-row layouts per record including multi-line text controls.  Note that this answer is relevant to the 2016 releases (Jade and initial Ruby).  There will be changes in the 2017 releases that may change this rendering behavior based on the same model settings.

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