Filed under: Best Practices, Core Updates
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This is a handy function for setting the log level dynamically in a running console.  I think the original inspiration for this came from Rob Duda – thanks Rob!

Often you want to see more information, or less noise, in your running console during local development.  This function is a great way to get there without having to restart your server.  We will likely include this in our core libraries in a future release.  For the time being, you can simply include it in your scratchpads or create a library (e.g. ed.scm in Resources/Libraries) of helpful functions like this one in your project.  You can even load your “personal” library functions by putting something like "(load \"<script_location>")" - in the program arguments of your scheme console settings at Window/Prefrences/NexJ Studio/Launch Settings/Scheme Console Settings/Server Console/Program Arguments

e.g. “(load \”c:/work/utils/ed.scm\”) –  [I beleive the hyphen is needed to force the load]

Here is the function definition.

To use it just run
(setLogLevel 2) ; this will turn on debug level logging


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