Type to start searching...
anchor : string
When appearance is not "shell", specifies the view path to the anchor. The popup is positioned relative to its anchor view.
appearance : PopupActionAppearance
Popup appearance. One of "shell", "clean", or "callout".
Valid values based on“string”. | |
shell | |
clean | |
callout |
association : string
An association path to the view containing the model that the popup will edit.
The association helps the framework manage the changes made in the popup that need to be applied to the associated model. This usually happens immediately after the popup is closed when the OK button is clicked.
Application metadata:
(ContactScreen frmContactList)
(ContactScreen frmContactList addresses)
Screen metadata:
(frmContactList addresses)
Form metadata:
(@ addresses)
(@ entity)
caption : string
String indentifier for caption display in the UI. If not specified then the screen default caption will be used.
command : string
Command event name to invoke instead of save.
commit : CommitKind
Popup commit behavior. One of "auto", "never", "always". The non-nested popup will commit if "always" is specified.
Valid values based on“string”. | |
auto | |
never | |
always |
delete : boolean
Boolean property specifying whether the insert, delete, or edit operations are allowed in the popup.
Overrides the default insert, delete, and edit properties on the formRefs of the popup screen.edit : boolean
Boolean property specifying whether the insert, delete, or edit operations are allowed in the popup.
Overrides the default insert, delete, and update properties on the formRefs of the popup screen.fullScreen : boolean
The popup to occupy full client area of the parent window. Valid only for "shell" appearance.
height : Dimension
Height of the popup. The dimensions may be specified in pixels or points.
"400px" or "400pt"
Valid values based on“string”. | |
(\d{1,8})|(\d{1,8}px)|(\d{1,8}pt)|(\d{1,8}%) |
insert : boolean
Boolean property specifying whether the insert, delete, or update operations are allowed in the popup.
Overrides the default insert, delete, and update properties on the formRefs of the popup screen.justification : RelativeJustification
Non-shell popup justification relative to the anchor view. One of "before", or "after".
Valid values based on“string”. | |
before | |
after |
new : boolean
"True" if the popup dialog is used to create new instances. "False" otherwise
position : RelativePosition
Non-shell popup position relative to the anchor view. One of "above", "below", "left", or "right".
Valid values based on“string”. | |
above | |
below | |
left | |
right |
rootCollectionClass : string
The instances in the source list in picker popup are restricted to this class.
screen : identifier
The name of the screen to display. The screen will be displayed as a popup dialog.
Valid values based on“string”. | |
:?[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*(:[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*)* |
Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed. |
sourceValue : string
In M1 picker popup specifies an association off of the source list to use as a value.
targetAttribute : string
In M1 picker popup specifies the attribute on the target model to set value.
unique : string
An attribute, or constant specifying picker uniqueness. An attribute is applied to the source model in the MM picker.
where : string
The where clause to pass to the popup. Applied to the root node of non-picker popup, or source node of picker popup.
width : Dimension
Width of the popup. The dimensions may be specified in pixels or points.
"400px" or "400pt"
Valid values based on“string”. | |
(\d{1,8})|(\d{1,8}px)|(\d{1,8}pt)|(\d{1,8}%) |
Sequence of:
SetupScript [0..1]
InitScript [0..1]
CloseScript [0..1]
FinalizeScript [0..1]