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augment : uiIdentifier

A path to the view to augment with this view.

Augmentation rules depend on the types of augmented and augmenting views. When augmented view is a layout, such as Composite, Tabs, or Switch, and augmenting view is also of the same type, the children views will be added to the augmented layout. When both augmented views are layouts but of different type, the augmenting view is inserted next to the augmented one. When augmented view is primitive, the augmenting view is inserted next to it.
Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter. Case and length are not restricted. Letters and numbers are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

caption : string

Caption text

cols : integer

Number of columns in the layout

enabled : string

Enablement flag association path or expression

fluid : boolean

True to enable special view positioning for space minimization

name : identifier

Unique view name

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

privilege : identifier

Access privilege

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

visible : string

Default visibility flag association path or expression

Default visiblity set to a control but value can be overriden by script, client state, or control-specific mechanism such as setListColumn in a table.
  • Sequence of:

    • CaptionLayout [0..1] - Caption Layout - within a composite in a layout.

    • Choice of:

      • Composite [1..1] - A container that displays its child views in columns - within a composite in a layout.

      • Table [1..1] - Table control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Chart [1..1] - Chart control - within a composite in a layout.

      • List [1..1] - List control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Picker [1..1] - A Picker control is essentially an enhanced combo box that provides type-ahead selection and a picker dialog as defined in a .picker file that returns a single value.

      • Multipicker [1..1] - A Multipicker control allows you to pick many items.

      • File [1..1] - File control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Multifile [1..1] - Multifile control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Date [1..1] - Date control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Combo [1..1] - Combo control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Radio [1..1] - Radio control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Toolbar [1..1] - Toolbar control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Range [1..1] - Range control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Label [1..1] - Label control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Entry [1..1] - Entry control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Field [1..1] - Field control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Text [1..1] - Text control - within a composite in a layout.

      • RichText [1..1] - RichText control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Check [1..1] - Check control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Button [1..1] - Button control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Filter [1..1] - Filter control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Tabs [1..1] - A container that displays its child views in tabs - within a composite in a layout.

      • Switch [1..1] - A container that displays only one of its child views at a time - within a composite in a layout.

      • Tree [1..1] - Tree control - within a composite in a layout.

      • CustomView [1..1] - Custom View control - within a composite in a layout.

      • ScheduleLayout [1..1] - ScheduleLayout control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Image [1..1] - Image control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Browser [1..1] - Browser control - within a composite in a layout.

      • Attachment [1..1] - Attachment control - within a composite in a layout.

  • Table - Table control - within tabs in a layout
  • Table - Table control - within a composite in a layout.
  • Table