Type to start searching...


caption : string

String indentifier to represent text associated with the StaticNode.

collection : string

If blank, the node isn't data driven. Otherwise, the node will be dynamically driven from the collection specified here.

An expression that specifies that a collection model must be set on the control.

"" (empty string, or null) - all instances of the associated class for Forms and form controls. No collection for other controls like MenuItems.
(@@ ClassName) - all instances of the class specified by ClassName
(ControlName1 assoc1 ... assocN) ... (ControlNameM assoc1 ... assocX) - all instances filtered by the parent instances.
(@ assoc1 ... assocN) - variant of above example. All instances relative to the Form model.

collectionAnnotation : string

Space separated list of annotations which do not exist in the Domain Model.

collectionLazy : boolean

Load the collection on display, not when the screen is loaded.

If true, the query for the dynamic node will only be executed when the node is displayed. Otherwise, the node will be loaded when the screen is loaded.
collectionNew : string

Alternative association path to use for create. Subclass name is optional. Format: "assoc1(SubClassName) ... assocN(SubClassName).

collectionOrderBy : string

Optional order by clause to be added to the node query: ((attr1 . asc1) ... (attrN . ascN)).

List of attributes or attribute and boolean pairs to indicate ascending (true) or descending (false).

((name . #t) (company . #f))

collectionQuery : string

List of additional attributes to include in collection read query.

collectionWhere : string

Optional clause to be added to collection model query.

deletePrompt : string

Delete prompt string indentifier. Valid if promptOnDelete is true.

The string indentifier may accept the Class name, and instance name args.
detail : boolean

Specifies if the node shows detail on first view.

exclusive : boolean

If true lack of selection means disabling children collection query. Otherwise, children query is generated.

expanded : boolean

Specifies if the StaticNode is expanded on first view.

icon : string

Icon provides a means of visual recognition for the StaticNode.

menu : identifier

The menu associated with the StaticNode.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

name : uiIdentifier

Uniquely identifies the StaticNode.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter. Case and length are not restricted. Letters and numbers are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

paging : Paging

Paging determines the paging behavior of 'list' UI controls.

Paging affects any control that presents lists and has an <a href="#orderBy">orderBy</a> property. An Order By attribute must have a unique index defined in the persistence mapping/schema to be used in paging. This means that each attribute bound to sortable columns in a 'pageable' grid must be indexed. If not, all rows will be retrieved to the client for sorting.
Valid values based on“string”.

The model determines the best paging type to use.

The model looks at the Order By property of the UI control. If there is a unique index defined in the schema that starts with the attribute(s) listed in the Order By property, bookmark paging will be used. If there is a non-unique index defined in the schema that starts with the attribute(s) listed in the Order By property, offset paging will be used. If the Order By has no index, none-sortserver paging will be used. Enumeration value is 0.

The model can use bookmark paging.


The model can use offset paging.


The model will have no paging and a sort on the server.


The model will have no paging and a sort on the client.

promptOnDelete : boolean

Prompt the user before deleting an item.

recursion : string

TODO: comment attribute recursion

rollup : string

An association path that queries all parents in a recursive fashion.

type : string

An association path or an attribute which specifies that StaticNode drives polymorphic DynamicNodes.

The "(@)" expression specifies polymorphic switch on the model class.