Type to start searching...
icons : string
ids : string
items : string
Displayed collection of items: (<view1> <a11> ... <a1N>) ... (<viewN> <aN1> ... <aNM>)|(@ <a1> ... <aN>)|(@@ <class>)
<empty> - the same as (@) in Forms; no data in other situations
(ViewName1 assoc1 ... assocN) ... (ViewNameM assoc1 ... assocX) - collection relative to the items of the specified views; constrained by all the association paths
(@ assoc1 ... assocN) - collection relative to the Layout's model items
(@@ ClassName) - instances of the class specified by ClassName
names : string
order : string
Item order specification: ((<attr1> . #t|#f) ... (<attrN> . #t|#f)
List of attributes or attribute and boolean pairs to indicate ascending (#t) or descending (#f).
((name . #t) (company . #f))
sort : ComboSortType
Set to "server" to perform sort on the server, "client" to perform sort on the client when order expression is not supported by the data source
Valid values based on“string”. | |
client |
The model will be sorted on the client. |
server |
The model will be sorted on the server. |
texts : string
visible : string
where : string
Logical expression that the items must satisfy. If quasiquoted, it is expanded on the client every time the model is (re-)loaded.
Special local variable this (=controller) is provided by the framework for the function
Constant where expression:
(= (@ firstName) "Joe")
Function returning where clause:
`(generate-where-clause this "EntityId")
In a library:
(define (generate-where-clause controller var)