Type to start searching...


assoc : string

Association path to an association instance. Its reverse attribute is used to create the association instance.

factory : string

New item factory event: <class> <event>|<event>

name : string

Picker mode name. Defaults to selection.

selection : string

Class name and symmetric association path to the association instance, specific to this selection mode: <class> <assoc1> ... <assocN>

where : string

Logical expression that the items must satisfy. If quasiquoted, it is expanded on the client every time the model is (re-)loaded.

Special local variable this (=controller) is provided by the framework for the function

Constant where expression:
(= (@ firstName) "Joe")

Function returning where clause:
`(generate-where-clause this "EntityId")

In a library:
(define (generate-where-clause controller var)

  • Picker - Picker elements provide a consistent user experience for selecting objects.