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derived : boolean

True to inherit mapping scripts from the base class; false to ignore the base mappings. The base mappings can be overridden by specifying a similar mapping on the derived class. The persistence mapping of this class is only considered compatible with the base class if this flag is set to true and the object keys match in both count and type.

keyGenerator : componentName

The key generator component to use.



Valid values based on“string”.
  • PersistenceMapping - A persistence mapping specifies how instances are persisted in a given data source. The type of the specified data source determines the mapping structure.
  • PersistenceMapping - A class’ persistence mapping specifies how its instances will be persisted in a given datasource.
  • PersistenceMapping - A persistence mapping specifies how instances are persisted in a given data source. The type of the specified data source determines the mapping structure.
  • PersistenceMapping - A class’ persistence mapping specifies how its instances will be persisted in a given datasource.