Type to start searching...


align : Alignment

Horizontal alignment of the control holder.

Valid values based on“string”.
cached : boolean

True if the query should be allowed to be cached. False if the query should not be cached.

caption : string

Value displayed in each cell when in-place M1 picker is configured.

collection : string

If blank, the GridColumn isn't data driven. Otherwise, the column will be dynamically driven from the collection specified here.

An expression that specifies that a collection model must be set on the control.

"" (empty string, or null) - all instances of the associated class for Forms and form controls. No collection for other controls like MenuItems.
(@@ ClassName) - all instances of the class specified by ClassName
(ControlName1 assoc1 ... assocN) ... (ControlNameM assoc1 ... assocX) - all instances filtered by the parent instances.
(@ assoc1 ... assocN) - variant of above example. All instances relative to the Form model.

collectionAnnotation : string

Space separated list of annotations which do not exist in the Domain Model.

collectionCaption : string

Caption bind for data-driven GridColumns. Must be an attribute of the GridColumn's collection.

collectionContextValue : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant specifying context value. For context bus adapter.

collectionLazy : boolean

Load the collection on display, not when the screen is loaded.

If true, the query for the dynamic column will only be executed when the column is displayed. Otherwise, the column will be loaded when the screen is loaded.
collectionNew : string

Alternative association path to use for create. Subclass name is optional.


Format: "assoc1(SubClassName) ... assocN(SubClassName).

collectionOrderBy : string

Optional order by clause to be added to the GridColumn query: ((attr1 . asc1) ... (attrN . ascN)).

List of attributes or attribute and boolean pairs to indicate ascending (true) or descending (false).

((name . #t) (company . #f))

collectionQuery : string

List of additional attributes to include in collection read query.

collectionSeparator : string

String indentifier of list separator symbol.

collectionTooltip : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant specifying tooltip for each collection item.

collectionValue : identifierList

Value bind for data-driven GridColumn. Must be an attribute of the GridColumn's collection.

Passed as parameter to the UIEvent, if specified.
Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

collectionWhere : string

Optional clause to be added to collection model query.

columnCaption : CaptionType

String identifier for caption display in the UI.

Valid values based on“string”.
80 (maxLength)

Caption can be a maximum of 80 characters long.

columnIcon : string

Icon to show in the column header.

columnRequired : boolean

Boolean to indicate if the column is required to be visible in the grid.

columnShow : boolean

Boolean to indicate default column visiblility in the grid.

columnTooltip : string

String indentifier of column header tooltip.

context : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant specifying context indentifier to be set. For context bus adapter.

contextValue : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant specifying context value. For context bus adapter.

deletePrompt : string

Delete prompt string indentifier. Valid if promptOnDelete is true.

The string identifier may accept the Class name, and instance name args.
edit : string

Boolean property specifying whether the insert, delete, or edit operations are allowed in the column.

Overrides the default insert, delete, and update properties on the Form.
error : string

Indicates the columns style after an error is encounterd.

event : identifier

UIEvent to raise when column is selected. UIEvents are handled by UIActions.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

exclusive : boolean

If true lack of selection means disabling children collection query. Otherwise, children query is generated.

factory : identifierList

Factory method for many to many cell editor.

Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

format : string

Format string to be used for parsing and formatting the raw value.

group : string

Bind to a string attribute. Used for grouping records when sorting on this column.


You may set the group to a dateGroup attribute that tags each
row with "This Week", "Last Week" or "Older" based on the age of the item.
See the Journal Tab in the Contact application for a nice example.

hiddenObjectCaption : string

The attribute, association path, or a string constant to display when the value is an object that is hidden from the user.

icon : string

Icon for the GridColumn. Overrides the event (UIEvent) icon, if an event is specified.

name : uiIdentifier

Uniquely identifies the GridColumn.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter. Case and length are not restricted. Letters and numbers are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

nullCaption : string

Text caption to display in the grid column cell when the value is null.

operator : Operator

An evaluation operator applied to [?] resulting in [?].

Valid values based on“string”.
picker : boolean

Specifies if the column will instantiate a picker. Otherwise, it is a combo.

popup : identifier

The name of screen appearing as picker type ahead popup.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

popupTooltip : identifier

The name of screen appearing as popup tooltip.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

popupTooltipJustification : RelativeJustification

The popup tooltip justification relative to its anchor. One of "before", or "after".

Valid values based on“string”.
popupTooltipPosition : RelativePosition

The position of the popup tooltip relative to its anchor. One of "above", "below", "left", or "right.

Valid values based on“string”.
popupTooltipStyle : PopupTooltipStyle

The popup tooltip appearance style. One of "clean", or "callout".

Valid values based on“string”.
popupTooltipValue : string

The attribute or an association path to the instance to appear in the popup tooltip. Can be empty.

promptOnDelete : boolean

Prompt the user before deleting an item.

sort : GridColumnSortType

Specifies how the column is to be sorted. Values can be "auto" or "true".

Valid values based on“string”.

The model determines whether the column is sortable.

If the model is determined to have bookmark paging then the column is sortable only if its value has non-virtual unique index behind it. Otherwise, the column is always sortable.

Force the column to be sortable.

If the model is determined to have bookmark paging and the column does not have a non-virtual unique index behind it then a validation error occurs. Otherwise, the column is always sortable.

Force the column to be non-sortable.

style : string

Style for the GridColumn background.

tooltip : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant specifying tooltip.

tristate : boolean

If true then can be tristate. If false then boolean attribute represented with only two states.

type : string

Attribute on which to switch the CellEditors.

unit : string

Display unit bind. Attribute name, or constant.

url : string

Deprecated. Do not use.

This property was used only when developing flat-web mobile client. It allowed user events to be launched from a grid column directly without using a scripting language. However, best practice implementation is to have a UIEvent configured to handle such events inside a grid column.
value : string

The initial value of the column.

visible : string

The attribute, association path, or a constant returning boolean to set visibility.

width : Dimension

The width of the column.

Valid values based on“string”.